
A question not dealing with signing new players or resigning the old ones!?!?

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My Friend: and ty conklin is with the red wings too

My Friend: but he sucked so its all good lol

Kimberly: conks did NOT suck

Kimberly: he helped give advice to Fleury.

My Friend: yea he does

Kimberly: he helped fleury!

My Friend: sabourin is way better

Kimberly: LMFAO

Kimberly: you're kidding right?

I wish Kate were here. She could laugh with me. =(

Anywho; I hate Dany Sabourin. Yes, he's signed with my favorite team The Penguins - But i think he's a total waste.

Who is your least favorite goalie and why?




  1. Why would you hate Sabourin???  Obviously he is good enough to make a spot on the Pens roster.  I been a pens fan for 27 years  and lived in Pittsburgh my entire life and I seen worse goalies for us than Sabourin.  Conklin must of not been that great if the Pens signed him to a MINOR league contract last year, but he ended up doing very well for us when he was called up.   Did you EVER watch Sabourin in shootouts and breakaways???? He has a TREMENDOUS glove and is way better than Conklin in that department.  The Pens ain't going to lose or win anymore games now that conklin is gone.

    Edit:  Yup "i love gonchar" I'm the idiot.....i must not of seen sabourin play, seeing how i live on Mount Washington and have had season tickets for 10 years.  

    We will do fine without Conklin. Our defense is what made Conklin good.  Otherwise why would he be signed to a minor league deal last year, and why would Sabourin still be here???  Grow up.  Stick to sports like softball and tennis.

    Yeah i can do that too

    Every goalie gives up bad goals sometimes.  We did fine without Conklin before we even signed him to a minor league deal.

  2. ConkBlock was given a great chance with the Pens. He happened to have a tremendous hot streak, that ended the Night in Boston, where he was back to his average self.

    Even for that tremendous streak he went from a 500,000 contract to a 750,000. Still a deal given to an average goalie.

  3. I don't know who Kate is but she mush have a bad sense of humor also if she finds this funny.

  4. Seriously trying to say Sabourin is better then Conklin? Defending that by saying Conklin was signed to a minor league contract? Well that's a great defense, up until you factor in that as #2 Sabourin SHOULD HAVE BEEN #1 when Fluery went down. What happened? Oh yeah Conklin WAS BETTER and Sabourin remained back-up. Oh yeah and it was all the defense, so what the defense hated Sabourin and was trying to get Conklin the job? I admit Conklin rode a hot streak well Fluery was down, but it last just long enough. The only reason Sabourin wasn't sent to the minors after Fluery was back was because they didn't want to put him on waivers and have to clear him first. Also if he was some superstar they wouldn't have drafted 2 more goalies, on top of all the ones they already have. Conklin may not be great but he has lasted in the NHL for YEARS so he is decent, which is more then I really think of Sabourin. I say give Sabourin a chance to see if he will develop, but Conklin is better then him right now.

    Least Favorite goalie is probably the overrated Hasek. Yeah he was great when he started, but seriously some people hear the name and want to act like he is still that great. I think it is a Sabres goalie thing, after all look how some want to rate Ryan Miller. Miller is good, but inconsistent and not great. This oh he started the All-Star game is a joke as proof he is "great" also. We all know the STARTERS are picked by fans, all it proves he had the most people vote for him.

  5. My least favorite goalie would probably have to go to Ron Hextall. Not sure why, but I do remember as a Pittsburgher hating him when I was younger cause everyone around me did. LOL sorry that's all I got.

    And as for Ty, I actually felt bad for the guy. Every game Fleury played in after he came back, Ty was the first person to congratulate Fleury. Ty was a true professional. He re-amped his career in the Burgh, and I truly believe he's a starting goaltender, but just got bad breaks in his career. We heard the talk of Malkin carrying the team, because Crosby was down, but in any sport defense wins you games. And Ty stood tall in the pipes. Ty always credited the guys in front of him, and I can truly say I never gained so much respect for someone in such little time. I would feel confident with Ty as my backup or Ty as my starter. Danny in net just looks goofy. He almost plays as if he's afraid of getting hit by the puck, he never leaves his crease, he'd rather give the angle instead of cut it down. He's a solid minor league goalie, but he isn't worth a thing in the NHL.

  6. Patrick Roy because he is an oversized crybaby. Ozzie's better.

  7. Your friends need to be slapped upside the head.

    Ty Conklin does not suck, he is one of the reasons we have made it into the playoffs.

    I hate Sabourin, when Fleury went down, he played his worst!

  8. yeah Sabu was not terrible. i kept telling my dad that sabu should not have become a goalie because he was awful.

  9. Martin Brodeur..Why?Cause he has like 340 wins against the Flyers alone.Makes him very easy to hate.Plus he's a commandment breaker.LOL

  10. Sabourin's not bad.  I think he either shut out the Devils or we brutally lost to the Penguins at a game I was at, and he was goalie.

  11. conks does not suck....he played in the winter classic i believe....i dont really like marty turco.....he seems ok but not really the best....

    Osgood gossip:

    at the games when he would skate he would have to hold up his pants ha ha even when he was just standing there i think he has issues  :]

  12. Ray Emery; his blatant "dive" in the 2007 Final was just disgusting, and his act all season was a disgrace; I was rooting for the Sens last year in the Final, but after that...go Ducks.

    I lost all respect for him after the dive; it wasn't even 'going down easy', it looked like something you'd see in soccer.

  13. We have plenty of goalies in the Penguins system, the funny part is that Conks is only making $750,000 in Detroit. That cracks me up for some reason.

    And I don't mind Sabourin, he wasn't THAT bad for us, he was above .500 in wins and had a .904 Sv%......not that bad haha

    I'd have to say my least favorite goaltender, in the NHL at least, is Osgood, because his diving act in the playoffs was more ridiculous than Mike Ribeiro faking injuries. I also dislike Raycroft very much.

  14. Luongo- i think he is overrated

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