
A question of speed Who is the fastest?

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Who can move the fastest land,sea,or air animal and Which animal is it?Also from each catagory which animal is the fastest?




  1. Perigrine Falcon over 200mph in a dive. Cheetah 70mph short sprint. Sailfish 68mph sprint.

  2. The fastest animal on land is the cheetah. The fastest animal in water is the sailfish. The peregrine falcon is often stated as the fastest animal in air, but it achieves its high speeds in free-fall rather than in level flight. In level flight, the eider duck is faster.

  3. hawk

  4. air : hawk

    sea : sword fish

    land : cheetah

  5. the fastest of ALL animals is the white hawk and also an air animal. the fastest water animal is Blue fin tuna. the fastest animal on land is Cheetah

  6. The animal that could move fastest on land in the CHEETAH....

    In water, Is Penguins or dolphins, I guess.

    In air, Is a hawk.

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