
A question on pricing of a home with well water?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so we are puting an offer on a home that has a well. It says that the water pump and line needs repair. How much does it usually cost to replace a pump, and what is the usual cost to repair th water line? We can't have an inspection unless our offer is accepted and escrow starts so it's not a for sure thing if we get this home or not. We have never had a well before and I am just curiouse on the pricing of these replacements. Thanks!




  1. Where I live, you make an offer on a property, and you make the offer conditional on certain things happening or being satisfactory before you go through with the purchase. Common things would be to make the offer conditional on obtaining financing or on selling your other house so you can afford to buy the new one, or on the condition of the house or property being inspected by anyone you choose and found satisfactory. If they aren't satisfactory, you don't have to follow through on your offer to purchase, or you can re-negotiate the price if something needs repairs to be satisfactory to you. You can make any kind of condition you want, up to and including whether your dog likes the place though making ridiculous conditions is not playing fair.

    When I bought this house, one of my conditions was that the septic field be inspected. It was found to need pumping, so I said that I would leave the price the same if the previous owners would pay for it to be pumped out and show proof that it was. I could have gotten a price on the pumping and offered to buy the house for a bit less and I'd have the pumping done. I'd be surprised if this isn't true too where you are. Check with your agent, they should be explaining all this to you. Making an offer is just the place you start bargaining at until you get inspections and find the place had faults you didn't see before you made an offer. You need a professional well service to come and look, give you an estimate of what it will cost to fix the well, and then go from there.

  2. What is it for? is it for a garden pond or something?

  3. the price for a well pump is determined by the size (horsepower )  and GPM (gallons per minute ) it can  pump . also by brand obviously  . do you know what size pump is in the well now ?  or is it a jet  pump , a pump that sits  above the ground either in a pit or a basement . most common submersible pump is probably  a 1/2 hp  pump  next common would be a 3/4 hp  .   installation of a pump can be expensive defiantly over 1000 for  a new  pump , wire , pipe  . do you know what sort of repairs are actually needed ?   I think you should find out  what kind of pump is there now . how deep the well is . how far the well is from the home  . and exactly what sort of repairs are need . than we can give you a better  more specific answer.

  4. Wicket is correct to an extent, it can be very pricey to replace a pump and repair water lines.  It will, as he said, depend on what pump you need, if it's a deep or shallow well and what and how many lines need repair.  We need more info before we can really give  you a good answer.  

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