
A question on water pollution?

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what are some human activities that cause water pollution? and how can we decrease the amount of pollutants in our water?




  1. lawn fertilizers and herbicides-stop applying them

    sewage plants-upgrading them to release cleaner water

    landfill sites-keep away from water sources,aquifer's,and proper lined with clay or other materials to prevent leaching into the environment

    industrial sites to properly treat water run off from contaminated sites and properly treat water when they are done using it

    people to reduce the use of phosphates

  2. some urban areas dispose their industrial and domestic wastes at the river that causes severe water pollution.

  3. Old broken sewer lines in older cities and towns cause water pollution, especially if storm water from roofs also goes into the same sewers.

  4. dumping garbage on bodies of water,,dumping of toxic hemicals on water,,mining,(open pit),,oil spills on seas,,. STOP DUMPING GARBAGE IN BODIES OF WATER,,, proper garbage disposal,that would help a lot

  5. Everything.  THe biggest polluter in California  is dairy farms.  Rain would pull fertilizer and Cow's fecal material into the rivers and dump it in the ocean.  Too much fertilizer would cause algae bloom that would use up the oxygen or would breed toxic species of algae.

    Driving leaded gas help pollute certain body of waters.  Mexico is still using leaded gas.  The lead would fall back into the ground and rain would gather the lead and carry it too lakes.   If the lake does not dump into the ocean , the lead would concentrate because it has no where to go.

    Accidents.  SHips that sink would continue to leak oil and some have copper hulls which could make the sea life sick.   Accidental spills from Sewage treatment can also increase coliforms (Bacteria from human f***s), but those are temporary problems.  

    Deforestation and damming.   They alter the natural pattern of water ways.    Rivers can decontaminate the waste we put into the river, but it needs time.    Deforestation and draining of swamps allow the water to ruch into the ocean before the plants remove fertilizers and other chemicals in the water.   Dam would slow the water but destroy the natural sand bars because sediments would settle on the upper part of the river and would not replace the sand lost on these sand bars  from natual erosion.  With out sand bars there would be less trees growing on the river and water would rush to the ocean in the lower end of the river

    I took the harder one and Others would add intentional dumoing of waste and other means of pollution.

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