
A question only for those pro-life?

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If you disagree with pro-life you can go voice your opinions elsewhere.

For those of you who are pro-life, what realistic steps do you think could be taken at an individual level to stop what I see and has being proved by science as a barbaric act of violence?




  1. I suggest when asking a question you don't bash almost every answer there is.

    Anyway, I used to have no idea where I stood on the whole thing, and I wanted so badly to 'refine', if you will, my morals, to convince myself it was wrong. But I kept finding myself thinking that if I were really in that situation I would do it. I think that now, however, there IS always adoption, and there is othing wrong with giving up your child to someone who really wants one, and who will be able to give it a much better quality of life than you do. I think possibly the only situation it could be considered okay is in cases of rape, where you are truly not responsible for your pregnancy.

    And of COURSE people are always going to disagree on this. I can't tell you how many moral things I've changed my mind on in the past year or so. But there is really nothing we can do. You literally can't stop someone from going and getting an abortion and I mean what are you going to do? Kick a pregnant woman just so she doesn't get an abortion?

  2. Why start something? Honestly, you have your opinions and they have theirs. It's nothing new you know; I myself am pro-choice, but I believe everyone should be able to express their ideals.

    I think abortion is up to a woman (me personally, that is my moral stance) but other people have different ones; and they are entitled to discuss this like civil human being with us.

    EDIT: Mr morbid said that last bit perfectly! I thought I would just add that.

  3. I think there are two parts to approaching this issue.

    First, there has to be teaching that emphasizes the responsibility of a woman in the reproduction of human life.  (The pro-choice side of the debate has emphasized reproductive rights, but not responsibilities.)  There is a time to choose whether or not one wishes to have a child, and the time to make that choice is before engaging in s*x - not after.  This is not to say that men have no responsibilities, but since the feminist movement has made reproductive rights a woman's issue and men have no right to say their partner should or shouldn't get an abortion, then women have to step up and take responsibility.

    Second, the pro-life side of things must recognize that there are times when a woman is denied the right to choose - rape, for instance.  At those times, and a few other extreme circumstances, abortion must be an allowable, albeit regrettable alternative.

  4. "If you disagree with pro-life you can go voice your opinions elsewhere."

    Nah, here will do fine...

    "What realistic steps do you think could be taken at an individual level to stop what I see and has being proved by science as a barbaric act of violence?"

    On an individual level... to stop what YOU SEE a certain way, (you know darn well you don't care what science says, it's like the Bible. People quote what supports their own opinion, and dismiss what does not.) It's not your business stopping others behavior based on your own personal beliefs and opinions.  

  5. the biggest problem is the view that a embryo that is not medically viable on its own is expendable. This view argues that it is a woman's 'right' to expend the embryo. The way to change it is to engage in the discussion on the philosophy of bio-ethics and to engage in an educational campaign which promotes ideologies that focus on the embryo's view of 'rights' rather than on the 'right' of the mother. This could be done by expressing the idea that parents are 'perpetrators' of pregnancy and the embryo is the 'innocent victim'.

    PS. the term 'rights' has been specifically noted, as the term has not been defined in this post.

  6. In order to accomplish this effectively, you will have to focus your attention on having individual rights and freedoms eliminated.  This would, of course, extend to the right to bear arms and censorship - as well as countless others.  

    It isn't quite as effective if you pick only one individual right to eliminate - I would suggest that you petition the government to disallow ALL individual rights and freedoms....

    EDIT:  Absurdity is all relative.  Funny thing about the pro-lifer's I meet on here - they don't seem to be able to discuss the issue without being disrespectful to those who have an opposing view.  To call someone a murderer is slanderous, yet it happens all the time.  Amazing, that someone who could be so much about the respect for human life can be so quick to label others and slander them!  Judge not, lest ye be judged....

  7. gotta love the write: "it's it's own body it's own soul it's own everything" (translation: it is it is own body it is own soul)..........and then go on to ridicule someone else's grammar/spelling!.............realistic steps would be to focus only on your own shortcomings

  8. I know that I will thumbs down for this but I was assigned abortion as a research topic for college last year. it was some thing that I had no opinion on. what I found was after 2 months of research from several sources( I had to cite them and it had to vary and not just be from the internet)  that women who got one abortion were more likely to get a second, third and so on. I also found that women who got abortions because it didn't fit in with their lifestyle at the time were among the highest. the second highest of women who got abortions said that the baby would more than likely have a birth defect and that they didn't want the responsibility and then you had tubal pregnancies. the last on the list of percentage of women getting abortions were rape victims which surprised me the most.

    then I started looking at why rape victims chose not to abort because I thought that if I were raped then I would want to abort however these amazingly brave women said that having the child gave them closure to their ordeal.

    so what I came to conclude is that women who were irresponsible and selfish were the ones using abortion as a method of birth control. and to the ones that say that they were on birth control and still got pregnant, well maybe you just cost a family a child as adoption is the better way to go.

  9. exactly what act are you describing here? be more specific.

    if someone you know is talking about getting an abortion. hmm, let's see. honestly, my opinion. it's ultimately her choice. i'm pro life, but honestly, it's not my body. in the end i have absolutely no right or say in the matter. as does nobody else. honestly in the end the ONLY people who have a right in the matter are the ones directly involved. being the parents of the girl in question, the girl, and the possible father. that's it. in my opinion

  10. did you really think only pro-lifers were gonna answer this post?

    if you did, you wouldn't be coming back all harsh to every single person answering this.

    im not giving my opinion.

  11. You know people, the world is not just black and white, right or wrong.

    Not all abortions are done for young or irresponsible teen girls.  Nor are they all poor, all black or minority, all white, all accidental conceptions, or all anything.  Generalizing and painting the ALL the women who seek abortions with a broad brush of irresponsibility is wrong.

    Here's a personal story to open your eyes and mind:

    I terminated a pregnancy once, years ago.  

    I am white, I was MARRIED, I was ON BIRTH CONTROL and I was 27 years old. I already had two kids, well spaced and planned, (imagine that!) and I got pregnant WITH an IUD in place.  Was I irresponsible?  h**l no...!

    Now I could have chosen to allow the pregnancy to continue, with the high chance that the IUD would cause (serious) physical and/or mental birth defects -- if not kill the fetus some time along the course of the pregnancy, or I could terminate the pregnancy.

    I chose to terminate at 12 weeks. (didn't know I was pregnant before that because the IUD caused bleeding).

    Who the h**l are you, or anyone else to tell me I should not have made that particular choice??  

    Termination of pregnancy is a valid, medical procedure.  A fetus is NOT a "baby" until that fetus is viable outside a woman's womb without severe consequences like birth defects or life-support systems. (usually that's around 8 months of gestation)  

    However Personally I do believe termination should be done before 12 weeks and not later unless special circumstances warrant it.

    But to say *all* termination is "murdering babies..." or due to a woman's irresponsibility is wrong.

  12. I will not take my opposing viewpoint elsewhere, thank you.

    You don't want to hear any other points of view?  Then go post on a strictly Anti-freedom Anti-abortion board.

    please mind your own business about what a woman does with her own body and reproductive organs.

    Want to stop slaughter of innocents?

    Look up the word "Darfur" and "Rwanda".

    Google "present day genocide".

    Look up;

    "Bush's stupid war in Iraq".... then get off your *** and do something positive to stop the slaughter.

    corrected typo...  no coffee yet at time of typing. Point still made well thankyouverymuch.

    Gee, Eleonora, you're a snotty lil' thing aren't you?

    Typical angry, uneducated, reactionary busy body...

    Added:  It's "Absurd"  not Absurb.  :-D   and it's "its mother's body"  not "it's mother's body..."   should I go on?

  13. If you want to end abortion, you must make it unnecessary. If you could create a world where every child was conceived by parents who value it as a person with the right to live, there would be no more abortion. You would also have to deal with parents who live in poverty, rape victims, people with health issues, teenage pregnancy, and a myriad of other issues. How you do that on a practical, individual level I have no idea.

    Even if you outlawed abortion in every part of the world, women would still find a way to abort. The difference is, many more of them would die trying.

  14. Nothing has been proven by science; do you think the AMA would continue to perform a procedure proven dangerous? You can't foist your atavistic beliefs on other people, due to the lack of substance in your own life. A more rational argument against abortion would be the snuffing out of human potential, but you fundies are so hung up on god that you can't think straight.  

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