
A question regarding Crop Circles...?

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What are your views on who/what causes them to appear?

Other than being 'Aliens', do you think that as the human consciousness is becoming more advanced (and human's are 'nodes' for what the planet experiences) that 'we' could have somehow created them?




  1. I find it hilarious that the one person with the most closed mind of all time, is preaching open mindedness.

    Must have heard someone else say it recently and is just mimicking it cause it sounded cool.

    Zachary, Why not go all the way and tell others not to be arrogant too.

    Trolls make me laugh so keep it up.

  2. here's a group of them. they're in england and they call themselves the circlemakers.

  3. I don't think crop-circles are mysterious at all.It's well documented who makes them.The truth is out there for the open-minded. Don't be too arrogant to see it. Here are some links to answer the pro alien links above.

  4. Did I miss something? The people who did the crop circles confessed to the hoax and demonstrated how they were able to do it. Its not a mystery. We know that people can create crop circles using very simple tools.

    Humans created crop circles physically, mentally, psycologically, and metaphysically and any other terms you want to use.

    edit: I do find it hillarious that so many people were sucked in by the crop circles that even after people confessed to it, that people still think it was caused by aliens.

    When I was in college one day in october, someone put pumpkins on the spires of this building on campus that had spires all around. Now Im starting to suspect it was actually some signal from those aliens.

  5. i think it is possible that we may have created them.

  6. you see yourself as an Alien dear? lol

  7. Zackery, your link goes to a page of nothing but csiop links. is a totally biased skeptics brigade. How anyone can put that link and the word "truth" in the same sentence is beyond me.

    Nice try to hide the truth boy.

  8. You know....even if some people ARE making some of these crop circles..even if it's ALL of them...who's to say (except the skeptics) that aliens/spirits etc aren't sending messages to them that they don't even know about or realize. Haven't you ever been drawn...or overcome with the desire to do something? (Remember Close Encounters or the Third Kind) That's kinda what I'm talking about...only these people might not   feel so STRONGLY as that guy did about doing it. I do know that happened to me lots of times. You just HAVE  to do something...Maybe if you tied yourself in a chair you wouldn't do it..but's so overwhelming that you HAVE to do it.

      What are "nodes"??

    Edit..Do you mean these "Lunar nodes"? (I STILL don't understand about them.)

  9. Keep your tin foil hat just in case.

  10. No. Humans haven't created the "real" crop circles. A lot of people have created "hoax fake" ones.By using plywood boards to walk on & broomsticks to "twist & mat" the grass down. I believe that if there is another life form they created them.

  11. This is by far the full truths about the circles, holding nothing back and quite extensive. You may have to spend a few hours reading each year in blue hyper-link to gain a full understanding.

    If you can't read this year by year, then you do not deserve an opinion.

    EDIT- Obviously Zachary didn't watch the link. You prefer to stay ignorant.

    The media paid generously for people to come foreward with hoax stories.

    Crop circles go way back. Before the media got involved in disinformation.

  12. stop smoking what ever it is that your smoking,there are NO aliens,exept for the mexican kind,people,really bored people,make crop circles so dumb people like you can be amased by them.

  13. Crop circles were created by two drunk English men in the 70s.  They didn't appear before then and the international migration of this phenomenon was pretty easily tracked.  It's a hoax and nothing more.

    EDIT: If you're going to give serious credence to what people like bode say--yeah, the "media" paid people to fess up to the hoaxes--then the first guy is right.  You are a prime candidate for a shiny foil hat.

    You honestly believe the planet on which we live has a consciousness as well as the inclination and ability to create geometric patterns in unharvested grain.  One tin foil hat coming up.

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