
A question regarding black men?

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Well I am a young white woman and on a daily basis when I go out, I encounter black men who would make provocative comments about me, try to talk to me, flirt, follow me with their cars, etc. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but this is really unpleasant to me. I mean, it would be unpleasant if any guy, regardless of race did that, but in my case it is 99% black guys. I do not dress provocatively, in fact I try not to attract any kind of attention. I am really getting freaked out and this really bothers me. I know that not all back men do that but because of those that do, I am now always suspicious when I see a black guy walking towards me on the street. I know this may sound a bit racist but I really have nothing against black guys. I just hate being bothered like that. Do you think I am wrong? Any opinions on why this is happening and how should I respond?




  1. It's not racist at all.No offense but they are scary.I saw one gangster once too trying hard to get inside the apartment building and try to avoid them or if it's too dangerous call police or sth

  2. You obviously live in an area where there are a lot of black guys.  They think that you are attractive.

  3. Where I live, Australia, there are new arrivals who are African, and whenever there is a mugging, the headlines scream about black gangs.

    It isn't always true, it's just that any group unlike the main neighborhood people are very noticeable, and thus what they do stands out.

    Also, there are probably just as many white, brown and yellow guys, if we are talking color, who are making observations of your better features, but their cultures may not expect them to make these out loud.

    As it is the comments that bother you, ignore them if you can, take steps like pepper spray or "would you like someone to say that your sister?"or speaking to the local cops, if that's more effective.

    As well, if you get a male relative or friend to show up occasionally, you may find the snide remarks disappear. From all races.

  4. Some men are just a**holes.  Doesn't matter if their black or white or what.  They are so abyssmally moronic that they actually think women like this kind of bulls***.  Ignore them, of course.  Never respond to them in any way.

  5. Please understand that there are plenty of black males in the world who do not conduct themselves in that fashion.

  6. There is nothing racist in the question your asking.

    your worried about your personal safety.

    If the black guys are harassing you,

    first ignore them, if there  still pestering you,

    use pepper spray. or  any weapon you find useful.

  7. I have the same problem. I'm a white man and a lot of black women tend to look at me as if I was some kind of an extraterrestrial, some of them are rude or make annoying remarks about me. It happens everywhere and I'm not in the USA. I usually ignore those kind of women, because one of the most annoying things to me is rude women and it's hard to find decent and mature women.

  8. THIS QUESTION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STEREOTYPES. so don't listen to the ones that are giving examples of robbery or forced entry. LET'S STICK TO THE TOPIC PEOPLE!!! This is probably why you are being "harrassed" no offense but you are white. i know that some men like to spook out some white girls sometimes. another reason is because you are probably cute. They are just tryin to get your attention. or you looked scared or unaware of your surroundings. Just tell 'em off. or ignore them. but do it with this look of annoyance on your face. works for me.

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