
A question regarding home schooling and diplomas?

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We are thinking of starting our children in a home schooling program this fall. My concern, first of all, is can they receive a diploma upon graduation from 12th grade, or if we make one ourselves for them, will it be as valid as one from a public school? And secondly, and my main concern, will they be able to use the diploma that they do have or their home schooling records to get into college. How do colleges select home schoolers and what basis do they use? If anyone can help me in this, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.




  1. Never mind K!A.  Some people have nothing better to do with their time than to be worthless trolls.  Kind of sad, really.


    Yes, they can receive a diploma.  If you enroll them in on online or distance academy (they come in all shapes and sizes), the academy will often award a diploma upon completion.  Otherwise, you can sign the diploma, and it is just as legit as any other.

    Colleges are actually actively courting homeschoolers - hs'd kids tend to be more responsible for their work and schedules, stronger students, and less likely to fall into the "I'm here to party" scenario.  Colleges like those traits in a student :)  Because homeschooled kids are usually allowed to be more in charge of their education at a younger age, they've shown themselves to be exemplary college students, on average.

    As far as an admissions basis, each college has their own requirements.  However, the UC system is the only set of schools I'm aware of that doesn't currently enroll homeschool grads (this can be gotten around by enrolling in a JC or community college for a year and transferring from there).  Every other school will gladly send you their requirements, many even publish them on their website and/or in their catalog.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Transcripts and standardized achievement test scores (ACT/SAT) are the key to admission, not a diploma. There are many programs out there to help in how to correctly keep records. Google homeschool transcripts and you will see.

    Hope this helps

  3. Diplomas really do not matter, it is a transcript that matters. you can create your own transcript but it is really much easier to use an online charter school to help you. They make sure the students get in proficiencies and all state required tests as well. My son graduated an online charter school and now attends The University Of Dayton ( a private university) with scholarships

  4. I am a homeschooling mom. You will find out that the internet has thousands of sites to answer all your questions. Go to the Yahoo homepage and join one of the many homeschooling groups. I belong to half a dozen groups, all dealing with different aspects of homeschooling. Although it can be a lot of work, you wil also have a lot of fun and MUCH LESS stress.

       As far as colleges are concerned, do you know Harvard has never required a high school diploma? Most colleges welcome homeschoolers with open arms. Many homeschoolers attend community colleges for their junior and senior h.s. years, which will give you both high school and college credit at the same time. You do not need a high school diploma to attend CC. After attending CC, your child can transfer to a 4 year school. The 4 yr school never will ask about a high school diploma.

       Good luck and have fun. The world of homeschooling is enlarging every day. You are not alone!

  5. I'm pretty sure that KIA is just trying to make homeschoolers look bad, so don't pay any attention to her.

      I'll be graduating in the year 2010, and I'll be receiving a diploma, which I believe, is state issued.  I went to three different home school graduations this year and at each one all the students received a diploma, given to them by their parents.  (One student even got a surprise scholarship from a college she was considering.)

    College's accept homeschoolers based on the SAT scores, (or that's what my mother tells me.) and none of my friends have had any issues getting into the college that they wanted.  I've even heard of some colleges who seek out homeschoolers.

    I'm hopefully doing PSEO next year, so I'm discovering all the little bumps along the way. =)

  6. Collages are no problem to enter after home schooling, but if your concerned make your child transcripts. Yes its legal and a great way to keep track of your childs progress.

  7. There are a lot of different home school programs.  My daughter just finished a year with Connection Academy.  They are a public school that is all done online.  They were great.  You get a diploma just like from a regular school and everything is transferrable.  You should check them out to see if they are in your state.

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