
A question regarding specific left turns in car..?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Connecticut, and if I am at an intersection, have the solid green light (not arrow), and am ready to turn left into a "double lane" road, is it okay for me to turn left when there is an opposing car turning right at the same time? Being that it is a "two lane" road I'd be turning into, I believe that I should legal as long as I turn into the left lane (inside to me) and the opposing car turns into the right lane (inside lane for him). I know from a safety standpoint that it may not be wise due to being unsure about likelihood of the opposing car turning into his outside lane (my inside lane) instead of his inside, but I would like to know from a legal standpoint whether it is okay for me to make that left turn. Thanks




  1. Here's the only Connecticut law I could find regarding left turns. I'll let you decipher it to figure out whether it's legal or not.

          (e) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or within the area formed by the extension of the lateral lines of the private alley, road or driveway across the full width of the public highway with which it intersects, or so close to such intersection of public highways or to the area formed by the extension of the lateral lines of said private alley, road or driveway across the full width of the public highway as to constitute an immediate hazard.

  2. Yes, it is legal, as long as you are not interfering with the other vehicle's turn...  Both vehicles should complete their turn into their nearest lane, which would be the left lane for you, and right lane for the other car.

    If, however, the other car wants the left lane after his right turn, you would have to yield to him.

  3. it is legal but be careful like u said as the lanes are up for grabs

  4. Legally, I guess you can, as long as both of you stay in your lane, but how do you know the other guy is going to do that?!  To me the car turning right always has the right of way.  You wait until he gets around the corner before you turn.  Thats just common sense....

  5. yes.

  6. As far as I know it is legal. However there may be a smaller car behind the other car you cannot see. If you crash it would be your fault.

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