
A question that means alot to me?

by  |  earlier

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in one of those leading cause of death chart ... were do you think plane would be... i was in 3rd grade and i was in class when the plane crashed.. after i understood what was going on.. i was scared thata plane would crsh..and not just from some tarrist.. i'm goin to utah tomarrow and i'm stilll nervouse.. and help?




  1. It would be right under people who die from reading dumb questions on Yahoo.

    and right above people who die from watching Fox News

    Yes, that's how low it is so you won't be dying any time soon from plane crashes.

  2. You're actually much safer in an airplane than you are doing many other things, including traveling by car.  Dying by plane crash is going to be pretty low on the list.

    I used to be worried sick every time that I got on a plane for many of the same reasons that you are.  I did some research and found that I didn't have as many reasons to worry as I thought I did.

    The reason that plane crashes get so much attention is that so many people die at once and because they are so rare.  

    Good luck on your trip!

  3. A lot of the planes that you hear that crash or the smaller, single engine planes and from the pilots not obeying the instruments.  They fly through fog and think they can see and they dont trust the instruments.  The bigger 747 jets have two engines a long with pilots that graduate college and have to get tons of hours in before they can fly the planes.  If something were to happen they could land it still.  Not to mention they need their single engine license, instrument ratings license, double engine license, and tons of hours in before they can be a pilot so you have nothing to worry about.  Planes are built to even withstand a lightning strike so it takes a lot to knock down those huge 747's.

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