
A question that wil make you think.Very Important!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why do we kill people

Who kill people

To show people

That killing is wrong?.....




  1. We do it to protect those who are so clueless....

    ...that they can not tell killing from murder.

    We kill people, who murder people, to show murder is wrong.

    I get you don't support the death penalty, but pretending not to know the difference betweem a pscho that kills for pleasure or profit & those who kill pschos to protect us,   is beyond lame.

    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

  2. Because we think that we are smarter than everyone else, we are better, we are godlike--giving us the right to show people why we can do hypocritical things to show them it's not right to do them.

  3. This is a great question and i always use it whenever i am arguing about the death penalty. If we kill someone because they killed someone, what are we really solving? It creates barbarianism among the people and tells them that getting revenge is okay when it's not. But there are a lot of backwards ways in our world today...

  4. It is set up as a deterant to other people not killing others.  It isn't an atempt at reform of the person.  If we have a society with no consequences will we see the true nature of people?  I beleive myself that the reason we have so many young people breaking the law today is that they know they are too young to be sent to jail or prison

  5. I couldn't answer that because England got rid of capitol punishment.  But I have to say, that, that is a very good point.

  6. Because look at the crime rates and violence in countries where capital punishment is abolished...

  7. in order to kill off the competition and/or show that the higher ups can actually control the behavior of the masses.

    those that kill often do it in order to control their environment and/or kill off their competition so that they can advance towards the position of ultimate control.

  8. Thats a good question, ask the executioner



    when first two is not happening how the 3 and 4 happen

  10. this does not make me think

    we eliminate people off the planet because they are dangerous to the wellbeing of other people

  11. ---They kill people - due to uncontrolled emotions & circumstances.

    ---The killer is killed -  due to law of the land; to replace it with life term.

    ---Killing will not show killing is wrong - bcos one wrong will not rectify the other wrong thing.    

  12. For example, if someone dropped a bomb and killed 1,000 people. Would you want that person dead or have a chance of him killing another 1,000 people? And also because we're animals.

  13. To show others that killing someone else is like killing yourself.  It's a fear tactic to keep people from murdering others.

    If you knew that by killing someone, you would have to die, too, would you do it?  Most people would not.

  14. I don't think it's to show people that killing is wrong, it's to show people that if you kill you'll be killed as well.  People who kill have to have something to be afraid of or they will do it all of the time.

    You have a very childlike view of crime and punishment.

  15. we do it for several reasons.

    1. is punishment, which is a little unfounded, the nature of punishment is correction, and if you remove the thing you are correcting from existance, the need for the correction is moot.

    2. example.  this is the most important.  for those who are primitive enough to consider a capital crime, the knowledge that they will die if caught is vitally important.  through out my school years i was taught that capital punishment is not a deterant to crime.  this has been proven false time and time again.  if capital punishment was more of a certainty, it would have much more of an effect.  the criminal mind is one of gambling, take the gamble out, and the crime will go down.

    3. elimination of a cancer on society.  i do understand and agree that someone who has done a hideous act, that is unforgivable, has removed themselves from society, and sometimes the ultimate response is warranted.

    4. elimination of a threat to society that may reoccur if liberal attitudes allow the criminal to be released into society again.  i think a large portion of society would be ok with locking even the most hideous criminals away and throwing away the key, but changing political climates make it possible for the worst criminals to get back out to repeat their crimes. in my mind, we are better off if they are dead than out on the streets

  16. Because we aren't perfect.

    Because since ancient times it has been human nature to kill to survive.

    Because though we kill those we see in the wrong, we think killing them will stop them from doing wrong ever again.

    That's the best answer I can give you.

  17. Well, we only kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong, because we kill people who kill people BECAUSE they kill people in order to prevent the people who kill people for the sake of killing people from killing people.

    But in that case...why kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong, because we kill people who kill people BECAUSE they kill people in order to prevent the people who kill people for the sake of killing people from killing people, if by killing people who kill people for the sake of killing people BECAUSE they are people who kill people for the purpose of killing people,  we become people who kill people for the sake of killing people who kill people, if that makes us people who kill people who kill people because they kill people?

    Simple really, because if we kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong, because we kill people who kill people BECAUSE they kill people in order to prevent the people who kill people for the sake of killing people from killing people, if by killing people who kill people for the sake of killing people BECAUSE they are people who kill people for the purpose of killing people,  we become people who kill people for the sake of killing people who kill people, if that makes us people who kill people who kill people because they kill people, we can thusly prevent people who kill people who kill people for the sake of killing people from NEEDING to kill people who kill people for the sake of killing people because we will have killed the people who kill people for the sake of killing people.

    Hope that clears things up.  ;)

  18. Because the humane part of this world died along with the hopes and the sanity of most people. Humanity used to be a kind and forgiving race. But there are animals out there, there are killings of good people, and bad things will happen to good people. And despite what everyone says, you can only change those things with a big voice.  Humanity is going to the dogs.  And theres nothing you, or me, will ever do anything about. This truth is dark, but as I just said, it's the truth. Some people deserve to be put to rest. But a lifetime of wrong cannot be put to dead by and simple killer being put to death. He will have inspired people.

    And as Micheal Caine Said " Some men just want to see the world burn"

  19. Because we are not gods we are animals.

  20. Because man is violent and doesn't learn that violence does not stop violence.  Just the same as parents spanking their child to tell them hitting is wrong.

  21. i dont kno some ppl do it 4 a reason and some do it 4 the h**l of it ...

  22. an eye for an eye

  23. so they dont kill again!---- like that black dude on the news that punched a baby in the head because the baby was crying, the baby died!---he should get a nice SLOW gas chamber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... to show people that you cant do this..

  24. thats a very good c by killing those who kill people we are in fact becoming killers ourselves meaning we should be killed but whos gonna kill their selves for killing someone who killed someone,true killers should be punished but by killing and showing them what they did is wrong by demonstration we are becoming no better then them.oh yeah i can be deep.

  25. People kill others because they are to weak to control their emotions and are taken over by all the violence in the world and because so many ither people kill they also think its ok for them to do it to

    the people that kill others are sinful people who cant control their emotions and are evil and follow other people who kill so many people without getting caught and people who idolize killers

    i dont know what u mean about "to show people" so ill skip that srry.

    Killing is wrong because no one has the right to take someone esles life because they think their life is worthless.

  26. I agree.  The death penalty is nothing but legalized murder.  No one deserves to be murdered as punishment for their crimes, not even one who has killed.  I have always been and will always be against the death penalty.

  27. We kill because we think that people are a threat to us. We may be jealous of them, they may have wronged us, but we think that they have done an ultimate wrong and we must rid our lives of them.

  28. Since we are animals, we have that instinct.

    But, I think the death penalty is hypocrisy.

    I am against the death penalty, I do not believe

    that killing someone is right punishment. It violates the amendment

    of no torture in jail.

  29. It's a good deterant. And it is PUNISHMENT for the killer.

    You take a life, you give a life. FULL STOP.

    Why are there so many bloody human rights activists in the world that will turn a blind eye to murder, but who will sit around whilst we're caught on CCTV 100 times a day? People smacking their kids actually worked. 50 years ago there weren't kids running riot in secondary schools as they had been brought up properly. Now the kids have 50 million rights, and if a teacher accidently bumps into them in the corridor... they have a court case on their hands. Bring back the cane too. I hate soft society. There are bloody criminals sitting around in prison watching TV. If I ever become homeless.... I'll just go rob a bank, then I can get a nice comfy cell, a nice nutritious meal and TV.

  30. While the debate as to whether the death penalty is a general deterrent or not will rage for some time, the death penalty is absolutely a specific deterrent. It shows that we value life to such an extent that we will inflict the ultimate penalty if someone takes a life.

  31. Because Bush justifies killing so called "bad people" in order to save us from their nonexistent wrath.

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