
A question to Muslim women who wear hijab/niqab

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i'm a Christian woman who absolutely loves the hijab. i've always wanted to wear hijab because i love the idea of modesty and covering yourself. but i am not Muslim, so it wouldn't make sense for me to wear hijab. could you suggest a way for me to dress modestly in a way similar to how you dress without me walking around looking like i'm Muslim even though i'm not?

if you want to know more about why i like hijab so much, feel free to email me.




  1. you're a muslim or not i  think you should wear the hijab.

    so i don't think there is any problem if you start wearing it, if you like it.anyway, wear a long skirt. i don't agree with pants cuz it's more or less revealing your figure unless you wear a long top.if but you wear a short top then wear an cloak over doesn't look bad.

    but if you really like this concept of covering why don't you do so.(i mean wear an abaya/burqa) there's nothing wrong if christians wear .

  2. wear normal jersery o  long sleeves like no arm holes and you can wear a long pants

  3. I saw a christian lady who wears it on tv, saying sort of what u said, wear it, good for u, f u wish to not look muslim the always wear a hoody jacket.

  4. it is nice to know you want to be modest.... in my opinion its the best way.

    Christians are supposed to wear hijab anyway.... becuase Mary  was also covered. I understand that you are not catholic and that who dont pay much attention to Mary but still she was the mother of Jesus (pbuh)

    Also nuns wear them...and they dont look muslim....

    but whats wrong with looking like a muslim?????? if people ask just correct them.....

    please check below for the link i have given if you listen you will understand what i am saying about christian hijab.... this is not biased by the way lol :) i think he can gives you where the qoute is from... i think its somewhere in the chapter of luke not sure :)

  5. Wear a scarf tied around your head but not around the neck, if you want.  Just loose clothes, etc. but not like muslim clothes.... you see?

    Or just tie your hair back really tight and wear plain loose clothes.

    Edit :  That magazine is a disgrace, zahra.

    Ugh and that non muslim hijabi is an attention seeking prat.

    I'm assuming you are not in it for the fashion like some of these girls and "fashion hijab".  Go simple, please.

  6. Dress like a Christian nun.

  7. dude,

    modesty isnt only about dressing... you could behave modest too.. by not bragging about yourself, helping people, and being polite and calmer in general...

    wearing a hijab might help in certain countries, but won't take attention off from you especially if you are in a non-muslim society, or wear a super fashionable hijab- coz then people will notice.

    if you behave modestly, and don't show a lot of your body (you can wear normal clothes like pants/ (capris in summer), lose t-shirts, etc- you are modest enough!

    i know some people who wear fancy scarves (hijabs), and show them off to every one !

  8. O children of Adam, we have provided

    you with garments to cover your

    bodies, as well as for luxury.

    But the best garment is the

    garment of righteousness…


    The majority of the so-called Muslim countries use the Arabic word "Hijab" for "Muslim" dress, and it has come to mean that women must cover everything except their eyes. This is exemplified in Afghanistan now, or more moderately, in Iran and some other "Muslim" countries where the women cover all of their bodies except face and hands. But the word "Hijab" has nothing to do with Muslim dress. As we will see, "Hijab" in the Quran means a combination of physical and spiritual barriers. In some "Muslim" countries, a woman’s space is also decreed by using the word hijab. She is asked to stay home and not leave the house. All the above restrictions have come about because of the misunderstanding of the verse 33:53 where the Almighty says to speak to the prophet’s wives from behind a barrier (hijab). Let us go to the source.

    What is Hijab?

    The word hijab has been used in the Quran seven times:

    1. The dwellers of paradise will call the dwellers of h**l: "we have found our Lord’s promise to be the truth, have you found your Lord’s promise to be the truth?" They will say, "yes." An announcer between them will announce, "God’s condemnation has befallen the transgressors; ...who repel from the path of God and strive to make it crooked, and with regard to the hereafter, they are disbelievers." ...A barrier (hijab) separates them, while the purgatory is occupied by people who recognize each side by their looks, They will call the dwellers of paradise, "peace be upon you." They did not enter (paradise) through wishful thinking [7:44-46].

    God barred the disbelievers from heaven. Therefore the barrier (hijab) here is spiritual as well as physical.

    2. When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter an invisible barrier (hijab) [17:45].

    3. Mention in the scripture Mary, she isolated herself from her family, into an eastern location. ...While a barrier (hijab) separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being [19:16-17].

    Mary isolated herself from her family and relocated while a "barrier" (hijab) separated her, spiritually and physically, from them. At that time God sent Gabriel to her.

    4. A scripture whose verses provide the complete details, in an Arabic Quran, for people who know.... A bearer of good news, as well as a warner. However, most of them turn away; they do not hear. ...They said, "our minds are made up, our ears are deaf to your message, and a barrier (hijab) separates us from you. Do what you want and so will we" [41:3-5].

    Because they put on themselves a physical barrier of refusing God’s message, God placed a spiritual barrier on them, making them deaf to the message.

    5. No human being can communicate with God except through inspiration, from behind a barrier (hijab), or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills.... [42:51].

    6. O you who believe, do not enter the prophet’s homes unless you are given permission to eat, nor shall you force such an invitation in any manner. If you are invited, you may enter. When you finish eating, you shall leave; do not engage him in lengthy conversations. This used to hurt the prophet, and he was too shy to tell you. But God does not shy away from the truth. If you ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier (hijab). This is purer for your hearts and their hearts.... [33:53].

    7. He then said, "I enjoyed the material things more than I enjoyed worshipping my Lord, until the sun was gone (tawaret bel-hijab).  [ 38:32]

    The prophet’s wives, while at home and relaxing, were not to be disturbed by men during their private times. God made their lives easier by commanding the men to speak to them, if at home, from behind a barrier (hijab). Some "Muslim" scholars have interpreted this to mean that only from outside walls could a man communicate with the prophet’s wives. They also understood from the same verse that the prophet’s wives never left home. They, therefore, wrongly concluded that their wives too must stay at home.

    The Arabic word for walls in the Quran is "al hujrat" not hijab. "As for those who call on you (Muhammad) from outside the walls (al hujrat), most of them do not understand" [49:4]. If women were supposed to stay home all the time, there would not have been a need for commandments concerning the dress code for them.

  9. The hijab isnt only a religious thing, a lot of women in different cultures wear the hijab as well. And, lots of ppl dont know this, but the Bible suggests than women wear scarves, especially while praying. If you still dont want to wear an actual hijab, you might just think about wearing long sleeved blazers, long skirts, and looser jeans. Also, tunics are nice. You can dresses modestly and still be really fashionable, a lot of Muslimahs do it.

  10. There are some christians who wear hijab.  If you like it, then why not wear it.  I don't see how it wouldn't make sense to wear a scarf just because you aren't a muslim.  Nuns cover their hair, and they're not muslims.

    If you wanna dress modestly, then wear long loose dresses with long sleeves or wear long skirts and long sleeved shirts.

  11. I'm all about dressing modestly. I do wear hijab, however sometimes I have "flexible" hijab. You can tie your hair back with a scarf the way black women have been doing for centuries. For example, I tie my head scarf bun-style, I wear a long-sleeved shirt (and sometimes those ultra mini-dresses) over wide-legged trousers. I tie the "fashion scarves" around my neck. This way I can wear earrings too.

    I buy lots of mini-dresses and I wear denim jackets over em. There are lots of ways to be modest and very modern and fashionable. please e-mail me. I'll send you some great websites with modesty in mind. And, in my opinion it makes total sense for you to wear hijab. Because hijab is not only the head scarf. It starts in the heart. Hijab is clothing that is not too tight or too revealing. Good luck!

  12. I would just wear it anyway. I like Indian salwar khameez (long top and pants) and wear them occasionally  in UK. They're comfortable, i don't care what people think of me as long as I am clean, respectable, comfortable and not doing harm to anyone/anything.

    I think the Hi jab looks nice - sophisticated as a fashion item. Go ahead and wear it with comfort. You don't have to wear it tightly if you don't want, I usually wear it loosely - I'm Christian born but now embrace the Muslim religion. I wear it not for religious reasons (I do  for respect in a Muslim country) I wear it sometimes as i feel comfortably and modestly dressed.

  13. Well I like this magazine because it gives you tips and fashion advise and stuff so here it is:

    Hope it helps!

  14. Wear a scarf like a Polish Catholic woman. On windy or rainy days, tie a scarf under your chin. It looks cute and makes people think you look like the former Jackie Kennedy.

  15. um,...u dnt hav 2 be a muslimah 2 wear a hijab....

    derz non-muslim ive seen b4 and dey werent muslims;;

  16. you are closer to your God than you know... Christian women have always respected themselves and covered up.. google any image of Mary mother of Jesus and look how her image is.. she is always wearing a hijab... Even as early as 100years ago.. Women couldnt go into churches without scarves or a headcovering.. Look at old photos of women.. they wore long dresses and little bonnets.. Why? cause they respected themselves and dressed modestly...God does tell christian women to dress modestly and there are verses in the bible to instruct women to cover their heads..... its just that for some reason, modern society thinks they are "smarter" than God and decided to do away with that little requirement (God forbid)  

    Wear your hijab as a true Christian women should!.... You go girl!

    (me, a muslim)  

  17. Well, in addition to the hijab, if u want to dress modestly, wear some jeans, pants, or anything that doesn't show your legs like a short-skirt.

    And also, don't show ure cleavage.

  18. Read Bible- Even Christian women are required to wear Hijab.;...;...

  19. If you want to wear it then why not!!! That is great, how about incorporate different ways, i.e long skirts, with long sleaved tops or even long dresses.

    Browse through this Blog they have some nice idea's

    Look here even a Non Muslim wears one so don't worry about what others say!

    Non Muslim Hijabi!

    @ Aycora B: LOl Hijab is not modest at all wow!!! Your ignorance seems to be absurd, modesty is not about being fat and looking ugly that is against the teachings as one is supposed to maintain cleanliness and look after themselves. We do not hide away ;p instead we cover as we feel it is an obligation and ewwwww why would I want strangers eyes on me!! I don't want no attention when I go outside, that is not what gives me confidence LOL unlike some =)

  20. Your wrong sis :)

    many Christians , well Catholics[Ive seen] to be specific do wear a scarf :) they cover their head ..

    example the nuns.. not only the nuns, I have seen many people wear it..

    So it really doesnt matter.. you can wear it, your not sinning ..

    and you shouldnt really bother what people will think of you.. if your comfortable with it.. go ahead..

    I should say mashallah :)

  21. Well im a guy and i would suggest u to wear lose clothings and cover yourself up. And if you like Hijab, there's an indication that you'll convert to Islam soon...just don't be late and let Hazrat Izraeel come to you and take u away...a lil scary but reality

  22. Maybe you should dress like most Muslim women, only wear a cross or other obvious religious symbol. Or you could tie the scarf back around your head instead of around your neck, which isn't allowed in Islam, but wouldn't apply to you.

    Glad to see the modesty spreading. Peace be upon you.

  23. Just stick to modest clothes like long skirts and shirt. If you live in a warmer climate it might be hard for you to find these things unless you stock up in cooler months. Here is a site that has beautiful and modest clothing:

    As long as you stick to the skirts and shirts you wouldn't look Muslim simply modest.


  24. The best way to be "modest", is to gain a lot of weight, have bad skin, scraggly hair, no makeup, bad fashion sense, etc. No man would look twice at you then, that is real modesty & covering up/hiding.

    If, instead, you want to be attractive & stylish, while also wearing elegant modest clothes, you can choose that style of fashion. The hijab has nothing to do with that. Just wear clothes that fit well, that don't show off too much skin. I see plenty of women wearing modest clothes. The hijab actually is not modest at all in the West because it brings attention to the woman wearing it. She becomes the center of attention, and even when people don't look or stare, they definitely notice her presence.

    I know this is not the answer you wanted, but you'll get many answers that you do want, probably some even mentioning converting to Islam. I just wanted to give an objective answer. I have a Muslim background, but I am not biased in my views, so I feel I can give an objective answer without lying to you or manipulating you.

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