
A question to Sindhis: Tell me something about Jhule Lal?

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Is he the God of water?? Also how come Sindh was handed over to Pakistan when majority of Sindhis are Hindus? Do Pakistani Sindhis wish to break away from Pakistan? Were they forced to convert??




  1. being a sindhi, i don't know much about jhule lal!

    yes, that's the point,,why sindh was handed over to pakistanis?? i don't know this! i m a hindu sindhi ,living in india!

  2. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar [1177- 1274 AD]

    Real Name:

    Syed Shah Hussain

    Known as:

    Lal (Red) Shahbaz (Falcon) Qalandar (Free of boundaries)

    Family Tree:

    Hazrat Syed Shah Hussain a.k.a. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar ibne Hazrat Syed Ibrahim Kabir u Din Mujab ibne Hazrat Syed Shams-ud-Din ibne Hazrat Syed Noor Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Muhammad Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Hadi Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Mehdi Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Muntakhib Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Ghalib Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Mansoor Shah ibne Hazrat Syed Ismail Shah ibne Imam – e – Muhammad Taqqi (A.S.) ibne Imam – e – Jafer – e – Sadiq (A.S.)

    "ibne" means "Son Of"


    "Even though my words are not showing enough power, to speak out with the calibre, which can justify and explain this Great Personality, I would try my utmost to try and portray whatever I have read in history and heard, to the best of my knowledge. To encompass this personality in a page or two would be trying to fit an ocean into a pitcher, as personalities like him often require a book or I should say books. I will try to incorporate different biographies and most common elements from those biographies, into this very humble try of mine, to tell you something about this Great Personality named Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar."

    (S.M.A. Bukhari)


    Hazrat Syed Shah Hussain a.k.a. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was born late in the twelfth century in 1177 in Marwand (Iran), now Afghanistan, to a noble Makhdum, Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab, and his mother was a high-ranking princess. He was born in the month of Sha'aban, 8th month in Islamic calendar.

    Hazrat Syed Ibrahim Kabir was caretaker of the Holy Shrine of Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) and is buried inside the Holy Shrine.


    Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab used to talk to the King of Martyrs Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) and used to get a reply in return, hence the name Mujab "The one who is Answered" (or whose prayers are answered). One day he was foretold, by Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) in a lucid dream, that you are devoted and have looked after our Shrine in a very good manner, Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) ordered Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab to get married, and said we will gift you a "Baaz" (Falcon) which was gifted by Allah to our Grandfather Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) on "Me'raj" (the ascension of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)).

    Hence Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab got married (at the age of 75 according to some sayings). On the occasion of Marriage Ceremony of Syed Ibrahim Kabir-ud-Din Mujab, all of the Iraq celebrated and it was like festival during his wedding throughout Iraq. (According to some sayings he got married in Marwand).

    After the birth of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar it is said that there was a festival held for 40 days.


    The name Shah Hussain was given to Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar because of his family's attachment to the King of Martyrs Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.)


    "He showed from his infancy, signs of a deep spiritual nature. It is said that even when very young he had developed occult powers. He knew Quran by heart at the age of seven, and at twenty he was initiated into the Qalandar order." (Wikipedia)

    At first Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was taught by his mother, and then he went on to Medina (KSA) and spent some time there. From medina he went on to Karbala (Iraq) where he used to look after the Holy Shrine of the King of Martyrs Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.)

    Reason for leaving Karbala and Arrival in Sindh:

    One day Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar saw the King of Martyrs Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.), Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) ordered Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar to go to Hindustan (Indo-Pak Subcontinent).

    After receiving orders Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar left for Indo-Pak subcontinent. He went to Mashad, stayed there for a short time then went on to Indo-Pak Subcontinent. It is said that he entered through Makran and went on to Karachi. Then went on and stayed at the mausoleum of Syed Sadr-ud-din, Sukher (Sindh) and from there went on to stay with Surkh Syed Jalal-ud-din Bukhari of Uch sharif – Bahawalpur (Punjab) [1196-1294].

    Spreading Islam:

    After Uch Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar left for Multan, where according to some sayings were believer of a religion called Karamatia. He enlightened these people with the light of Islam, and taught these people about Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and Ahl-ul-Bayt-e-Muhammad (A.S.) (Prophet's Family). King/Raja of Multan was also very impressed by Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar's preaching and he also converted.

    After preaching into different cities in subcontinent Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar arrived in Ajmair Sharif (India) from there he went on to Kashmir, Pothohar ( Rawalpindi), Peshawar , Dera Ismail khan , Mianwali , Jhang , Dera Ghazi khan , Sibbi , Jacobabad and from there to Dadu.

    After Dadu, Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar arrived in Sehwan. Where ever he went he preached teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and Ahl-ul-Bayt-e-Muhammad (A.S.) (Prophet's Family). He taught people about how to mourn for the King of Martyrs Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) and how Hazrat Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.) was martyred. Most of his preaching is about this tragic loss of Prophet's Grandson and Imam Ali (A.S.)'s Son. He also taught people about how so called Muslims of the time turned against the actual Islamic authority Imam-e-Hussain (A.S.). He taught people to love Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) and Ahl-ul-Bayt-e-Muhammad (A.S.) (Prophet's Family).

    While in Sehwan:

    When he first arrived he stayed out of the city according to some sayings it is call Lal Bagh (Red Garden) which is towards south-eastern side. Inside the city of Sehwan, Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar had two disciples, Boodla Bahaar and Sachal Sarmast. It is said that Boodla Bahaar had a very long beard with which he used to clean up the place of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.

    At the time of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar's arrival at Sehwan, Sehwan was centre of evilness. Boodla Bahaar and Sachal Sarmast were appointed by Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar to preach inside the city and their duty was to go stand and every nook and corner and say "Ali Haq" (Imam-Ali (A.S.) ibn-e-Abi-Talib (A.S.) is the ultimate Truth).

    Some Miracles of Qalandar:

    (1) One day king of the fort ordered his soldiers to bring him the man (Boodla Bahaar) who says "Ali Haq". Once Boodla Bahaar was arrested he was presented to the king, he asked Boodla Bahaar stop saying "Ali Haq" Boodla Bahaar answered "Ali Haq" and I will not stop. King got angry and asked his soldiers to kill Boodla Bahaar and make mince of his meat and then distribute it and throw it away (according to some sayings the soldiers ate the meat).

    (there is a saying that when Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar used to call Boodla Bahaar he replied "Aya Sarkar" (I am coming my Lord!))

    When Boodla Bahaar didn't return for a long time Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar inquired and found out what happened he said "Boodla Bahaar" and where ever the meat of Boodla Bahaar was it replied "Aya Sarkar" (Coming My Lord!) and the meat gathered and turned back into Boodla Bahaar. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar sent him again to preach these people and the same thing happened again. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar again performed the same miracle and after third time Qalandar said that these people of fort and their king will not listen and keep destroying lives and freedom of innocents, Hence after the third time he gave his "Mutahir" (A strong baseball bat type stick) to Boodla Bahaar and told him to turn it upside down while looking at the Fort and as Boodla Bahaar turned it all the fort was turned upside down (this is clear from the fort remains). Later on someone asked Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar why didn't he do it himself, Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar replied I was holding on to the earth as if I haven't stopped it the whole earth would have gone upside down.

    (2) One day a man was wandering in the desert and he saw another man (Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar) praying in the desert and two sticks a short distance apart sticking into ground in front of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar. That man was dreamt about becoming a king one day and he was in these thoughts while he passed in between the two sticks buried halfway into the ground in front of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar.

    As soon as he passed he saw a big door from which he had entered into a city, where a big crowd was gathered. He was surprised and went on to see what was happening. Someone told him that their king died without leaving any successor and hence "Huma" (A bird, which was set to fly and on whose ever head it landed was made the King. That's why sometimes a king was referred, in old times as, Zil-e-Huma which meant "Huma's Shadow") was being flown to choose a king. Huma made its flight and sat on this person's head and he was made a King.

    It is said he reigned for 7 years and one day he was visiting city when he came across the same door from which he entered all those years ago. He decided to check and left the door as soon as he was out of door he again walked back in between from those two sticks. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was still sitting there and praying. (This miracle shows, according to my knowledge, two things first, Qalandar had control over Dimensions, and secondly Qalandar granted him what that person wished for.)

    (3) As the Qalandar means "Free/Free of Boundaries" it is a common known fact that Qalandar could let himself free from the power of gravitational pull and hence used to fly and that's another reason he was called Shahbaz "Falcon".


    Qalandar in his life taught people ab

  3. Mr Sanjay S,  He  answered completely, i appreciate him about his knowledge in Islamic history. thanks Mr Sanjay....

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