
A question to girls from a guy regarding hair?

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How does a goatee look on a guy of darker skin? A spot under the lip or on the chin as well?

How about a hairy chest? stomach?

A snail trail?

Working my way lower...How about down where the balles are. Hairy n*****k? Do you mind it?





    why don't you ask this on eharmony or something

  2. goatee is much encouraged! I usually go for the spot under the chin for a cuter look but if you want to look absolutely s**y, then go for the full goatee!

    Hairy chests aren't amazingly attractive, but I don't think any girl really cares. If they care that much, they must be stupid. I mean, really, if everything else is good, then leave it alone!

    A happy trail is soooooooooooo hot!

    Shaving down there isn't a mst but it certainly makes us (women) want to l**k/suck more. At least keep it trimmed. I'm sure you do, anyway!

    Hope this helped ;)


  3. im partial to little or no facial hair. stuble is ok, sometimes.

    as long as youre not too hairy, were good.

    and "happy trail" i think you mean?

    its cute.

  4. Facial hair looks grim no matter who has it.

    Though it looks more grim on white people.

    Sorry, but it's true.

    I'd go with a full beard if I were you.

  5. I say YES to goatee and facial hair(what you're describing is s**y),although I don't like beards,and I think they would look great on darker skins,but I am not particularly hot for hair on men anywhere else.

    This of course doesn't mean I would judge guys with that criteria,but I'm just stating what I prefer.I like smooth,hairless skin.

  6. my Bf has a gotee type thing, I find it s**y. Not too scruffy though. Happy trail is fine by me, it looks strange not there on a guy. I like clean shaven chests. I think every girl is different. the best thing you can do is be yourself and then hopefully you'll find someone who loves you for you, Heres a tip, if you have to change who you are to please her, shes NOT WORTH IT. :)  

  7. GoT looks good on most guys.

    Hate the single patch under the lip/chin... not s**y!

    Hairy chest is ok depending on how hairy. You talking ape? Yuck. Stomach, it's ok I guess (I better like it, my husband is a little hairy... but I find it s**y on him!!)

    Snail trail???

    If they are naturally not very hairy, not a problem with the no shaving below.... actually... I don't think I've ever been with anyone who had a hairy nut sac. Not sure I would like it though! Ew, now that I think about it, that's gross!!

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