
A question to parents.

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so if u had a teenager and decided to go to an other country to start a new career, and a new life. would you send her/him money to help with the expenses? im not saying a huge amount lol. just a little to help him or her a bit.

or youd rather dont send anything?

love to hear your views.






  1. Absolutely! It means everything to young adults to know that they have their parents' support, particularly on something that was entirely their idea. And sending money (no matter how little) is definitely a sign of support. This acts as a driving force and a kind of inspiration for the maturing adolescent. The trick is sending just the right amount of money. You want to help him cover the bare necessities, but no more. In other words, give him enough money so that he only has to worry about his professional goals and not his survival. Give him any more, and a dependency trend will arise, dulling ambition and motivation. Good luck!

  2. I would.

    Because I respect my child's decisons and trust that I have done a good job teaching her about decisons.

    Then again, it depends on the curcumstance.

    If it was because, say, her boyfriend dumped her, I probably would not because it was a spur-of-the-moment decison.

    If I know it's what's best, or I trust her decisons. I would totally support her.  

  3. I'd send some money..

    I mean, your kid is your kid.

  4. Sure, as long as they were working hard towards reaching their goals and dreams I would financially help them as much as I felt appropriate.

    Oh wait, is the parent the one that left, well then, heck yes they should be helping their child.

  5. Honey, OK! Whole different story then.  If you are 19 and going anywhere (different city, state or country), it is your adult decision and I wouldn't expect to have to support you. ...

    However, depending on the relationship (good/bad) and my financial status, I would probably give you money if you needed it.  (i.e. cell phone or minutes) I would expect, though, we thoroughly discussed  the situation and you had a plan that covered all contiguity's.

  6. well my bro is a complete losser at 26 and my parents still give him money though he hardly respects them... so its parents heart... though a daughter i just had a point to say.... good luck...

  7. It depends on the purpose for which the money is needed. If it is to support the basic requirements of my ward, I would surely meet every pie of it, until he / she has become self-supportive.

    Again, I would need self-assurance that the money-sent does not make the recipient a PARASITE for the whole life, for which I might be held responsible. A self-respecting person, at 19, with similar concern for his / her parents, would try to become self-dependent and with a little guidance would succeed in his objective and definitely should not require any support for his / her basic needs. However, if the beneficiary is a gifted, talented or concerned child, (concerned about, and considerate of, his / her parents sacrifices) the parents would like to stand guard to the best of their ability and capacity till they (such child) fit themselves into a reasonably respectable career.

    And mind you, at 19 generally, a child becomes an adult, to know the affairs of the world and to influence them meaningfully with his contributions.

    This should be the reaction from all right and logically thinking parents - irrespective of their social, geographical or educational differences - whether it does offend others or cause them to find fault with such line of thinking.

  8. Depends on the career and the age of the teenager and the distance.

  9. are YOU the teenager?

    and NO WAY IN h**l i would leave my teenager home when im off not in another state or city nor another contry????

    well if the "TEENAGER" is mature and responsible maybe but other wise h**l no things happen when the parents move away....

    NO i wouldnt send the teenager money 4 expensies because his or her a** would be coming with me.!!!

    he or she would have to like i said be mature and responsible foor me to leave them alone. and h**l NO THEY WOULD HAVE TO GET A D*MN JOB

  10. i think that if they are financially able to help him then as a parent I know that i would. BUT... I would have had financial conversations with them before they left... It would have been part of the planning progress.

  11. Not enough information to answer this question.  How old? Why are they leaving?

    Answer --- It Depends...

  12. i would send him some money at first so he can get started buy the basic ... if he hasn't already got a place to stay then i would do research and probably give him $750 - $1000 if not then give him $150-$200 a month for the first 3-6 months then once he starts to make money either completely stop giving him money or give him a small amount.

    I'm sorry that must be very hard for you and your son good luck to both of you


  13. for sure. it would be really irresponsible not to.  i would not leave unless i knew.....actually i would not even go.  a new life?  what kind of parent would I be?  i don't think your parent should have even left.  did they ask you to go with them?

  14. Well that would depend on the age of the kid.  I mean if he/she is still dependant on me then I obviously would.  If they're out on their own then no...not like a monthly allowance anyway.  Maybe a loan now and then if they really needed it but that's just part of growing up.

    Edit:  Still pretty much same answer.  Wouldn't send money regularly but would probably help you get on your feet.  Might thow a $50 in a card occasionally just for a treat but hey, if you're gonna be a big girl then you've gotta learn to stand on your own 2 feet.

    Good luck.

  15. i would not let my teenager go to another country, unless they are going to collage there, or have a job already lined to answer your i would not send money, because they only way i would allow them to go, they wouldn't need me to send any

  16. so your parents are leaving? that sucks, and yeah i would send my baby some money to help out, of course i would, well how old are you?  lol

  17. I'm not sure that I could move such a distance with a teenager left behind. Unless they were an adult or nearly. Then I would want to make sure that they were financially secure and stable so probably would send some money to help with expenses.
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