
A question to shias (and sunni can answer too)?

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befor i ask the question let me make a point am a sunni but i dont care what are you , you are still my musslim brother ok?

now i understand the ali being the walli thing and its very intresting but what i dont understand how do you guys say jebreil made a mistake and he mistaked mohmad(s) with ali is that true?




  1. Sara that wasn't funny it was actually lame.

    I heard that too, I'll be reading the answers.

    Good question.

  2. my brother shia and jews are brother shia says Gebrial make mistake jews says Gebrial is enemy of jews shia says leader of islam should be ahlul bait(means Fatima and Ali rz not ahlul bait)

    jews says leader of jews was must be david's family Abdullah bin Saba yamni was a jew who was founder of shiaism i tell

    shias are not muslim

  3. no shia dont say jebreil made a mistake:)

  4. u better know whos Shia before you ask such a question got it??

  5. exactly, Abul Haarith is right.

  6. salam,

    that is completely ridiculous - no true Muslim and no true s**+'i will tell you that Jibril made a mistake. there is no doubt that the Prophet Mohammed (saw) is the final Prophet and he is the best of mankind. Imam Ali (as) is his successor and anybody who claims that he was supposed to be the Prophet is neither a s**+'i nor a Muslim.

    For more info, you can read this artcile which discusses this issue:

  7. a BIG thumbs-up for Abul Haarith!! Keep it on bro.....May Allah always guide you....

  8. well a little research found this; sahih bukhari vol.5 #637 mo0hammad sent buraida to ali to collect his 20% of the booty from a raid on a small village and when buraida arrived he found that ali had taken a bath after a sexaul act with a slave girl from the booty. when buraida told mohammad about it . mohammad said oh! buraida ali deserves more that from the booty.  tells me all i need to know about holy ali.

  9. there are two versions for ramayana, one as rama great in the other Ravana great. In ancient india dravida thinking ravana a great king.

    one the aryans preached dravida about rama, then at last they questioned : what is your opinion? he said sita is ram's sister.

    like this story: your question to which shia?

    no shia jaafriya, zaidi, or bohra agha khanis believe this.

    jibreel not mistook ali or muhammed.

    ali is successor to muhammed. not misunderstood.

    it is all about who should be leader after prophet.

    shia believe prophet declared at Khum after hajjatul wida'

    that ali is waliy to believers

    that is the difference.

  10. A lot of Shee'ah will deny that is even true.

    But what's even worse is how they claim that ALLAAH made mistakes and "lied" (what is known as Bada')

    al-Kulayni said in his Usool al-Kaafi in the Book of Tawheed (???) volume 1 page 146 in the heading of chapter of Bada':

    ما عبد الله بشيء مثل البداء

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