
A question to women 20+ or 30+ years old, please?

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now during teenagers, guys (generally) put huge importance on looks when it comes to finding a gf. we're not gonna argue which s*x is more 'shallow' etc. what i am interested however, is when guys reach their 20s or even 30s. Do you women still think that in the age range of 20-30s guys put greater importance on women's look when finding a mate than vice versa? or is it about the same? or women do it more? is there a decrease in emphasis on a woman's physical look as guys reach 30s? please let me know what you think, thanks!!!




  1. I think at that time he and she are both looking for the best mate to have and raise kids with . Job security, personality, staying power.looks may play a bit , body types may play a bit but hopefully by then they have matured enough to where if they are going to have children the shallowness is gone  

  2. It's depend on the person. Some people go for the looks. Some go for the good quality of a woman/Man. I thought look is important when I was 20. Now I'm 30 and I think good qualities are important than the looks.

  3. It's unfortunate that we have so many perverts in the world who over-emphasize the importance of looks.

  4. Most definitely my taste in men has changed as I got older!  But looks are still important because once you are married, you will look at that face every day for life!

    The difference is, WHO the man is, is more important that how he looks.  I'm considering men now that I would not consider when I was in my 20's.

    Your question is very important because people get married too quickly before considering everything about their choice of mate.

    My answer to your question is, the look still attracts you to her/him but as we mature, we learn what we really need from another person and our desire to know more about your potential mate increases dramatically in the hopes of being truly fulfilled and happy.

  5. I think there is less emphasis on looks as you age,I am finding it hard to word this without sounding like a total jerk,but here goes,as I aged I found that my standards dropped in the looks department,girls that I would not have really checked out when I was 21 don't really look so bad to me now that I'm 35.Also as I age I am noticing that I need more intellectual and emotional stimulation from conversation to feel compatible with a women,even if I don't think she is that attractive if there's good chemistry she becomes a little more attractive to me,that wasn't the case when I was younger,I was more interested in tearing things up as quickly as possible so I guess with age you kind of open yourself up to other things,not just looks

  6. No matter what age you have to be attracted. But there are different attractions. Teenagers are mostly worried about each others looks.

    I think in your 20 +  it is not so much looks, it is also personality, humor, and other qualities which make people more attractive.  

  7. it's hard to be with a person that you don't find attractive no matter how old you are.

    It's not being shallow, that's just how it is.  

  8. No matter what your age (my husband and I are 36), a person needs to be sexually attracted to his/her mate.  What varies from person to person is what you find attractive.  In my 20s, I could overlook certain personality flaws in favor of someone who just turned me on.  In my thirties, no way.

  9. MOST def. Its kind of like elementary boys making fun of girls with glasses.(most older guys/men soon find women in glasses very s**y) Men in their 30s who by the way, are much different than men in 20's , maturity wise, (MUCH different)...look for the more realistic qualities in a woman, and we women do too. Though we may reach this stage at an earller age. Of course everyone has to be attracted to their mate, ..or prospective mate, but other things, such as intelligence, that didnt matter to a 25 yr old "kid"...certainly matters to a 35 year old woman, or man, doesnt matter. What i looked for in a man 20 years ago, was surely different than what i want now, and have found. My fiance is an attorney and financial genius, (literally)...and years ago, i couldve cared less, now its very attractive and s**y to me.

    Of course i also find him very attractive physically too.  So yes, the older you get, the wiser you get....your desires in a mate change and broaden, ...its not about just looks, but so much more. Love itself, believe it or not, is quite different for both sexes in your 30s and even 40s or more, its better, way better,....and the longer you're with someone, if you work at it, as iit does take work, gets even better. Nothing better in the world. good luck to you and the lucky lady who catches you!

  10. ok well I was going to add my point of view, but I after reading M.A.D.S, there was no point. I believe she is absolutely correct.  thumbs up for her!!

    in my teens, looks are what mattered the most, (although i did fall for some because of their personality), i guess that was pretty shallow, but hey, i was a teenager

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