
A questions for clairvoyants..... what is my favourite..?

by  |  earlier

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colour (im not American...)

type of food

position in bed

Type of music

skin care

And also

where do I live?




  1. You live in the UK,that's the only thing that's for sure.Industrial rock for music

  2. What is clairvoyant?

    Solo softdrink

    Aussie brown

    Chocolate Mousse, Indian food, oysters and kettle chips


    Robbie Williams to comfortably numb

    Dry skin starting to think about wrinkles.





  3. water, latino, pizza, on top, pop, unsure about skin care, you live in canada.

  4. I am not psychic, but I'd love to play anyway.

    +You like to drink mojitos.

    +Your favorite colour is a shade of green.

    +You love to eat Thai food.

    +K9 :)

    +You shake your booty to the disco dancing.

    +Your favourite skin care is a facial of course.

    You live in New Zealand.

  5. drink: Water

    colour (im not American...): Sky Blue

    type of food: Meat

    position in bed: On your back

    Type of music: Rythmic

    skin care: None

    And also

    where do I live?: Europe

  6. well, I'm not clairvoyance, I'm a clairsentient and clairaudient, so I do better when I have something to help me connect to your energy (send me a picture and I think you'd be surprised what I can tell you) but I'll give it a shot.

    position in bed--I immediately pictured you laying on your left side

    type of music--I saw you dancing, so upbeat dance music

    Where do you live--I heard "south of the border". Mexico? South America?

    Type of food--spicy stuff. Indian (not native american, but like from India). Hmmm...ARE you from India?

    Colour-- I see blue

    Drink--I see red liquid

    skin care...I don't get the question here, but I feel that you're very meticulous about your skin, you like to care for it, keep it soft and supple and clean, you take pride in it.

    I'm probably wrong. Like I said, send me a picture and I can do much much better. I connect to people through their eyes.

    Love and light

  7. drink: tea

    colour: orange

    food: some little dumpling thing stuffed with veggies and meat

    position in bed: sleeping?  on your tummy, sort of facing right.  knee out.

    music: i hear thick beats, could be tribal, could be techno

    skin care: soap & water

    you live in saskatchewan

  8. drink -  wine.....colour- brown.......type of food- italian.......position in bed- bent over backwards.....type of music-  light care- baby oil massage......where do you live - apartment in london , england

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