
A quick candidate/voting question...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sorry, but isn't it just as racist to vote for Obama because he's black as to vote for McCain because he's white? We're having abit of a disagreement. Serious answers only, please.




  1. The only race I looking at is Obama sitting that Oval office

  2. It's not 1770, its the 21st Century. If you vote on color and both candidates happen to be black - then your saying every white person that voted is rascist, Right!

    I'm white but I'm voting Obama so that would make me a rascist by your statement.  

    OK - so in your opinion I'm a rascist, but my friends don't consider me a rascist, and I know I'm not a rascist

    So the answer is : Your opinion of me is subjective (it's what ever you want it to be)   (my opinion is subjective to me, and my friends opinion is subjective to them)

    basically - just because you say it's so , doesn't make it so.

  3. I am not looking at race--why are you?

  4. I don't vote color.

  5. Of course it is.

    Not voting for Obama just because he's black and not voting for McCain just because he's white is equally racist.

  6. Yep.

  7. No... I think you are a racist if you vote for any white person.

  8. No, it is solidarity if you're black and voting for Obama because he is black.  It's racism if you're white and voting for McCain for any reason.  Liberals cannot phantom that most of us not voting for Obama see him for what he truly is, an inexperienced, unqualified, socialist candidate.  Since liberals are elitist and cannot possibly be wrong, there must be something wrong with us.  Now because we cannot possibly be right, in the liberal mind, we must be racist.  How else could they come to terms with our not voting Obama?

  9. Of course it is.

    Giving preferential treatment to someone because of his or her skin color is just as racist as being disrespectful for the same reason. .

  10. Race issues know for a fact that some people will vote based on question.

  11. yes it is, but if that is anyones only criteria for voting they should stay home.

  12. ask yourself better moral questions

    Obama is a socialist (meaning pro stalin, castro, mao)

    Mccain is a patriot

    this is how i judge the two of them. so i choose Mccain, he'll defend america and not kiss the azzes of our enemies. the rest i can care less about.  

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