
A quick question about boarding/trading school.?

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Okay, I'm 15 and I want to go to a trading school or boarding school in Austraila or someplace else that has a lot of wildernesses. I need help finding a site that allows teenagers to go. I can't really stand America any longer and the urban areas and even the farms. Around where I live, Pennsylvania, the farms are even getting taken over. I want to go to a boarding school in Austraila, Alaska, or someplace like that. So does anybody know any sites that I can get information? Also, can someone explain a little more about these like what do teenages do for food and clothes and stuff. And one more thing... How can I break the news to my parents in a mature manner? I was think about getting the information ready and presenting it to my parents in a mature manner. But thanks and ask if you have an questions.

And also; I DO want to do this. I am 100% sure.




  1. or you get food from the school. clothes and stuff you but on vacation with ur parents or go on shopping trips with ur school. about ur parents: tell them ur school is not rigorous enuff 4 u and u love them but its time to set u free. boarding school will help u become successful in life and is a guarantee to getting into an ivy league college. also that ur responsible and mature and dont want to go just to get away from them. lots of famous rich people go to boaridng schools. princes,  princess, kings queen, presidnets, government officials. good luck with it all. All Saints' College, Barker College, Cranbrook School, Kinross Wolaroi School, Knox Grammar School, Newington College. those are some of the many boarding schools in australia. just remember about expenses like airplanes, taxis, bus, and most of all the tuition fees

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