
A quick question: has they happened to you and if so plz share your story?

by Guest58817  |  earlier

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Hey everyone , My sister recently found out that she was pregnant by taking 5 early home pregnancy tests before her missed period and they were all positve but the next day when she went to the doctor to get a confirmation by a unrine pregnancy test it was negative , how can this be I thought she was pregnant and she did too I hate seeing her disappointed. Who has been through this before if so plz share your stories?




  1. happened to friend. well if it misses the period and deteriorating then when that happened it picked up after the missed period not that so its really she isnt pregnant.

  2. I think she might want to go get a second opinion cause 5 positives isnt something to ignore. So tell her to move onto another dr. to double check.

  3. The only "false" positives I've encountered turned out to be evaporation lines. HPTs will have an evaporation line show up that looks like a positive, but really is not.

  4. I would ask for a blood test. False positives are VERY rare but false negatives are pretty common early on. Good luck to your sister!

  5. No  i havent.. But the way things are going its best shes not .

  6. not happened to me

  7. my big sister has tryed to get pregnant for a while now and a few weeks ago she was 1 week over due her period, she took three pregnancy tests and all ended up positive and came on her period a week later after us all thinking that she was pregnant

  8. This kind of sounds like what I went through, only I began bleeding the two days after my positive test.  By the time I got to the emergency room, my pregnant levels were so low, it was considered a negative.  

    Here is what calls a chemical pregnancy.  It might have happened to your sister.  If it makes her feel better, I got pregnant 5 months later when we wanted to try again.  

    Question: What is a chemical pregnancy?


    This is a medical term for a very early miscarriage. This type of loss usually occurs before or right around when a woman would expect her period.

    You may feel like you are hearing more about chemical pregnancies these days, that is most likely because of very early pregnancy testing at home. These early pregnancy tests can give an accurate positive result before you expect your period. Then the pregnancy fails. Without these tests the woman would not have known she was even pregnant.

    Chemical pregnancies are not the result of anything that you have done. They can be casued by chromosomal disorders, hormonal issues, luteal phase defect (LPD), problems with the lining of the uterus, some infections or even structural abnormalities within the uterus, including fibroids.

    While very unlikely, reoccurring chemical pregnancies need to be treated by your doctor or midwife. There may be some medicinal therapies that can be beneficial, depending on what your practitioner feels is the cause of your problems. Some include hormone therapies, antibiotics or even baby aspirin.

  9. This is very common. Dr's don't use highly sensitive early pregnancy tests, there tests only work after the period is missed. If she goes back in a few days and asks to be retested she should have different results.

  10. personally I have never counted on the home test just because sometimes they can be one the shelf for so long and wear out. the best is to get a blood test these test you HCG levels and gives the right answers. I am so sorry for your sister and hope that soon she will get what she wants. tell her not to worry to much and that this will put stress on the body and affect outcomes. Also, I am a firm believer that there are reasons that things happen and this may just not be the time for you sister but I hope that it will come soon. Be supportive and give your sister lots of hugs. This has happen to me so that's why i don't trust them, matter of fact it was the last child we had 3 neg test but I was preg I even had my period for 2 mths. gl.....

  11. It happened to me with my second child. I took 3 or 4 tests at home, all positive. Went to doctor, they said I wasn't pregnant. I went home and cried my eyes out. Went back a week later, then they said positive. They told me that the store tests are more sensitive than the ones they use, so I had to be a little farther along for them to tell it was positive... It was traumatic, but now I have a beautiful 1 year old girl....

  12. you are not going to believe me but once i got out of bed to get some water, so i went down stairs. i went to the tap just as i was going to turn on the cold water i saw a chair moving i thought it was my dad but the chair was floating in mid-air! i was OMG!  i did know what to do but after cupola of min i touch the chair and move back but i could`tn move my feet after i moved back then the thing that was moving the chair put a towel on and let me go but i saw my dad tied up on a chair i went to help but some how i got knot out and once i woke up i was on a table. So that's how i knew i was`nt dreaming and my dad said it was true.  

  13. The only time I have heard of this happening is when the tester sits too long after doing the test. I think another responder said it was evaporated lines.  

  14. getting a false positive is highly uncommon.....especially 5 in a row. I think that I would ask the doc some questions.

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