
A quick remedy for a hemmorroid??

by Guest67119  |  earlier

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My co-worker is going on a cruise soon and he came up with a Hemmoroid today.How can he get rid of it QUICK?




  1. Hammamelis oinments..

    ps: If he wants quick results he should go see a doctor and use some synthetic medication....

  2. Preparation H

  3. He can try getting some witchhazel and refrigerating it.  He can dab some of this on his r****m afer bowel movements.  My husband has found great relief from this.  He might also try going to a health food store and getting a product that is specifically designed for hemorrhoids.  Rutin is  known for supporting vascular health and preventing hemorrhoids.  Your friend should probably be drinking more water and adding fiber to his diet, too.

  4. Comfrey salve.  Works wonders.

  5. Clean the area and then put plenty of vasaline on it.  Reapply throughout the day.  Should take one maybe two days to clear up.  Works every time for us.

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