
A "friend" paid for a trip that we are gonig on. Now she is mad at me because I reimbursed her in 2 payments.?

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She paid with her credit card over the phone. She got mad at me when I reimbursed her in 2 installments (1 by cash/ 1 by check) for a total of $636. The trip is totally paid for.

If I do not go on the trip a month away is there any legal action I can take to get my $636 back, such as small claims court? The reason is that since I reimbursed her in 2 installments she called me tacky, that I was wrong since the money was due on the 30th of June she wrote in her

e-mails. I reimbursed her all the money in July.

Now she will not respond to my e-mails or calls. When I called her today to discuss the trip she told me to go f**k myself and hung up the phone. I called the travel agency to see if the trip had been cancelled since she used her card to do it with. So far it's okay.

I know I can't get any money from the travel agency. Their policy does say that there is a fee for cancellation. And I doubt that I can cancel it anyway since the credit card is not mine.

What legal action can I take to get my money back from her if I do not go on the trip.




  1. The details of payment should have been worked out.  Since you reimbursed Miss Tacky, go ahead and enjoy your trip. After all you paid for it.

  2. Sounds like you friend is a selfish bt.Go on the trip and make her miserable just like she is doing to you now.CHEER UP Just go.

  3. You could try small claims court ( or magistrate court), you do not need a lawyer, the court rules are simplified, and court costs are lower (I think). If I were you, I would try, that much money seems worth it to me. You should do a google search for your state's small claims court, they probably have a website.  

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