
A random burning sensation in my "down low area"?

by  |  earlier

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my "stick" idk i dont wanna say it and get my account suspended AGAIN but anyways it burns randomly lasting 2-5minutes but it really hurts i have no clue why..what could be reasons? too much protein in my diet? could that have anything to do with it or what are the possibilities




  1. type s.t.d. on the net and see if anything matches your symtoms  but after that see a doctor it could kill you  

  2. Urinary tract infection, go to the doc and get some antibiotics.

  3. could be as simple as std.  if there are any bumps or lumps that look like fever blisters then it is herpes.  if it happens when you urinate and your urine is dark it could be dehydration. could be uti

  4. oh dude u may have Chlamydia or something hit me up on yahoo mess.

    or msn mess.

  5. might be an S.T.D. and you can say p***s.

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