
A random question for you all to try:

by  |  earlier

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  1. Existential angst causes dissociative cognition and leads to the inevitable dysfunction of neocortical infrastructure and delusional sociopathic tendencies. That's why.

  2. Why not?

    Notes: I believe someone a while ago reported on a philosophy exam where yours was the only question asked, and those who simply gave the above answer and stopped were given top marks.

    By the way, the new Y!A nagging interface admonished me to be as specific as I could!

    Further note:

    I had to change the suffix of the interface description from -er to -ing because it apparently thought I was misspelling a racial epithet. Big Bother is watching us!

  3. This web site should answer many of your whys.

  4. 'Cuz. That's why.

  5. A random answer: Because...

  6. Why? That word is a question and a answer at the same time

  7. 42!!!! it is more important to ask the right questions than to seek definite answers.

  8. ...randomly speaking BECAUSE...

    ...thanks for asking...

  9. That's not at all random. I get asked the same question by my daughter countless times in a day. I shall answer you the same way I answer her; "because I said so."

    Yes, that answer does make me sound like my mother and every time I say it I cringe. It works though.

  10. Why not?

    There was once a philosophy professor who used that very same question on his exam.  Some people spent the whole time writing and writing while one student simply wrote, 'Why not?'

  11. why? how? what? who? when?  

  12. why not?

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