
A rar. File Compressor- What to do next?

by  |  earlier

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First, I downloaded the rar. compressor from

and I don't know if it's reliable. But whatever. Then I went to set it up and install and whatnot. Now what? I have no idea of what to do next, and the program does not pop up on my desktop or anywhere.

That is the page showing what's in my rar. compressor file when I open it. Is there a specific thing I click on to open it or something?

If you can tell me what to do step by step, that would be greatly appreciated. If not, that's okay.

Thanks so much!




  1. if ur meaning to compress stuff and unzip rar files etc use aprogram called winrar its the best there is.

  2. The contents you show in your screenshot are of a program named 7-Zip.  It is a very versatile and free program similar to the paid-for WinZip and WinRAR, and can be used to "zip up" or "unzip" compressed packages liek *.zip, *.rar, *.z, etc files.

    Double-Click on the 7zFM file and a dialog window will open.  Click on the Tools > Options menu and you will have 5 tabs under which you can set user options.

    System - you check which file types you want to have 7-Zip open when you double-click on them.  Check the zip and rar boxes.  Any others are up to you.

    Plugins - you should see a "7-zip" item in the list.  Click on it and then click "Options". Check all the boxes in the new dialog window that opens, then click OK.

    Editor - No harm in leaving the only field in that tab blank.

    Settings - Check the following boxes:  Show real file icons, show system menu, Full row  select, Show gridlines.

    Language - set it to English (or whatever you speak).

    Click OK to close the 7-Zip options, and then close the 7-Zip window.

    You will now have some new options when you right-click on a file or folder.  If you right-click a Zip or RAR file, you will have the options to extract the contents in a couple of different ways.  If you right-click on a folder or file that is not a compressed package, you will have the options to create a new compressed package and add the file(s) folder(s) to it.

    What you will really need to do is read the help file.  Either double-click on the file named 7-zip (yellow ? in icon) that is shown as "Compiled HTM Help File", or with the 7-Zip window open, click the Help menu > About 7-Zip.

    You could also search Google for "7-zip tutorials", and will find a lot of videos or other walk throughs.

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