
A real classy chinese girl, have anybody think that kind of girl is beautiful???

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she chinese name is Lv yan,she's one of the famous moble in china..Have anybody think she's a real beautiful girl???lf not please tell me which kind of Chinese is do you think of..thx

somebody tell me that the type in Europe and chinese is different..

the people in chinese also like the girl have big eyes,tall nose,

but somebody tell me that the people from Europe like the chinese girl have ..small eyes,small nose,small mouth...anyway look classy/..




  1. she's gorgeous- but in a different way. she doesn't look like anyone else i've ever seen in my life, which is good.

  2. for me no one is ugly. I think she look fine

  3. That's stereotypical to think that all Europeans like one kind of look. People like different kinds of people.

  4. i'm not sure exactly what you're asking, however i think that girls is gorgeous, really very beautiful. she actually looks chinese, rather then a chinese girl with very european features, which is very good to see.

    in europe and asia the ideal of beauty you normally see in the fashion industry is large eyes and lips, and a small nose, so not really the typical look of chinese girls.

    personally i don't think a single look should be what is defined as beautiful. so many different things are beautiful, saying that one look is beautiful doesn't make another less so.

  5. She's ugly.. Looks like a 40 year old smoker.

  6. No, Europeans prefer big eyes & tall noses too. It's just that they assume that chinese are supposed to have small eyes & flat nose, and also because they have trouble telling asians apart.

    so that's why they might hire what chinese call "unattractive" asian actresses/models, because they think they're supposed to look that way.

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