
A really big problem...?

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My four year old sister is starting Pre-K in September. I'm her elder sister and I admit that I've occasionally used improper language at home. She's picked up many bad words and she says them when she's really angry. I'm a little concerned that she'll use those words in school with other kids and/or her teacher. In addition to me no longer using bad language, how else can I get my sister to understand that she shouldn't be using those words? Thanks.




  1. Hey Q&A Gal:

    Pre-schoolers are magnets for all things inappropriate -- words, gestures and otherwise. The worst thing is that people think it's funny, and when the kid gets a reaction, they keep doing it because people laugh.

    This is a great time to have a manners talk with her, and show her by example.  When my kids were that age, we would go to the mall or the park and see people behaving badly.  I would point out the behaviour and tell them that it was too bad that those people "had no manners".  I then explained that we don't behave that way because it makes other people feel bad and has negative consequences.  They immediately understood and didn't mimic that behavior.  

    Explain to her that when she goes to school, there will be lots of cool things to see and do, but only if she can behave a certain way.  This includes not using bad language, because it will make other people feel bad and not want to play with her or share their toys.  She'll understand this concept, and can consciously make the decision not to use that language.   My son's teacher told me that she heard him tell another student, "I really feel sorry for you because you don't have any manners."  

    You're a great sister for wanting to support her in her development. Hopefully, your parents are as active as you are in their role.

    Good luck.

  2. tell her she can't use those words any where else, try to make it sound like it is something she has to keep secret, tell her if she uses these words you and her will get into a lot of trouble, hopefully she might want to keep you both out of trouble,

  3. When she says those words or does something inappropriate, tell her simply not to do that. Have consequences for when she does bad things like that, like __ hour(s) in her room, etc.

    Also try your absolute hardest to not use that kind of language. If she doesn't hear it, she probably won't repeat it.

  4. Umm... You can make her a handipoints account and she when she says a bad word she loses 5 points. It will get her down and she'll stop.


  5. tell her that their bad words and only grown ups get to say them. or tell her if she cant spell it then dont say it

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