
A really funny joke! ?

by  |  earlier

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There are 3 boys. Their names are Zip, Willie, and Pee. They are in their classroom and their teacher goes out for a minute. When she comes back, Zip is sitting on top of a cupboard, Willie is sitting in the cupboard, and Pee is dancing around the room. The teacher says "Zip, down, Willie, out, Pee, in the corner!"




  1. It's the first time  I read this joke and I loved it.

  2. lmao made me chuckle

  3. hahhahahaha

    theres a man on his death bed and his daughter come to talk to him for the last time

    1: why did u name me rose?

    dad: the day you were born a rose petal fell on your head

    2: y did u name me daisy

    dad: the day you were born a daisy petal fell on your head

    3: Ununnunununununu

    dad: shut up cinderblock!


  4. XD

  5. thats was pretty funny

  6. lol

  7. haha

  8. ha ha thats funny lmao

  9. AHAHA. thts funny! lol :)

  10. HAHAHAHAHAH i remember hearing that one a couple of yuears ago and still find it hilarious
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