
A really funny pick up line?

by  |  earlier

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a really funny one that i can acutllay use




  1. Here are some I liked from a website of quotations that I saw once (I don't remember its url) that had a page of pickup lines:

    Do you like anyone else in here? Well, I guess you are stuck with me.

    He: You look like my third wife. She: Oh, how many time have you been married? He: Twice.

    Hi, are you here to meet a nice man or will I do?

    I may not be the best looking guy in here, but I'm the only one talking to you.

    I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?

    Listen to this: my buddies over there said that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with their money?

    When I saw you from across the room, I passed out cold and hit my head on the floor... so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.

  2. Here's my # can you call me @ ? o'clock to make sure I got home ok?

    I lost my # can I have yours?

    Hi, can you help me?  I'm lost... I need directions to your house so I can pick you up this weekend.

  3. Pick up lines are for desperate people.

  4. Yeah... try this site or search google

    and my friend just give one to me...:


  5. hers just a few...go up to two chics standing together stand in between and say "i dont wanna come between you..or do i??"

    or "are you a parking ticket coz u got fine written or over you" or "baby did you just f**t coz u blew me away" .."ive lost my teddy bear can i sleep with you?"

  6. If I received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.


    Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?


  7. If a girl is pointing a shooting star talking about making a wish come up to her and tell her that you don't need to make a wish because she's right here with you (also works on your girlfriend, girls love that ****)

    Put a sugar packet on the ground and wait for some girl to walk over it and tell her she dropped her name tag and when she aks what your talking about show her the sugar packet.

  8. Walk up to a woman and say " How much does a polar bear way?" .  If she doesnt know the answer, then answer, " Enough to break the ice, Hi my name is (Your Name Here)." ................Or say "Nice legs." , "Are they open 24 hours." <Hah! Don't say that.

  9. excuse me , but do you work for UPS

    (most likely the will say no ,,,then you say )

    oo cuz i could have sworn you were looking at my package


    A Do you have a jersey??? (no Y )

    so i can have your name and your number

    (this actually work hahah for me)

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