
A really good feeling....?

by  |  earlier

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What makes you feel really good?

For me it would have to be laughing REALLY hard, spending time with friends, or hearing a really awesome song for the first time!




  1. thinking about my old childhood memories... i just hope when we die, we get to relive our whole life, but do things differently... don't you sometimes just wanna go back and see what would have happened if you did that ONE thing differently... so much regret.

  2. Having s*x

  3. Having an amazing time with friends

  4. For me the same thing...laughter heals much, spending time with mates, being busy with different things. Great music, new or old, and spending time with my two black lab mixes.

    Life is good at the moment.  

    Listening to familiar music, reading good books, earning good marks for the endless papers graduate uni work requires. Holidays far from a load of people, walking down lanes, the odour of moist freshly cut greenery, all is good for me.

    A good cup of tea can do it for me as well.

    Maybe I am simply a happy lad as well as a cheeky!

  5. o****m xD

    hey, you asked :P

  6. Lying in bed with hubby getting cuddled after a **** day at work!!

    There's nothing better than a hug to make you feel better after answering "No we don't do piercings all day!!" Even though there's a great big notice on the door and answering the immortal question "do tattoos hurt?"

    We own a tattoo studio not a bloody piercing studio!!



  8. Total silence

  9. Laughing really hard.

  10. A moment when I have absolutely nothing to worry about, no uncertainties whatsoever. And then I play a song that reminds me of a time when i was unhappy and uncertain. this would give me a nice feeling. But that I still haven't achieved yet. I do get happy in many other ways thoiugh.

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