
A really good friend of mine died, and as weird as this sounds....?

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i want him to haunt me or my house becuz i miss him so bad. he died on thursday. what could i do to make this possible?

my mom wont even let me near a quija board or a book that could help me with this. she is very against it. what can i do???




  1. Oh how sad.  

    Forcing a friend to haunt you, is that a friendly thing to do?  You could put up a shrine for him instead.  A picture, some incense, some memories, and when you miss him you can be sad near the shrine.  That is better than trying to control his presence.

  2. Rather than delve into magical thinking, why not just allow your friend to haunt your memories?

  3. Please be wary of the spiritual world,  when people cross over. They go to Heaven or h**l. Most of  the time Demonic spirits walk the earth and pretend to be our lost love ones.

    Just hope for the best. And remember him in your heart.

  4. First, my sympathy on your loss.

    Second, I don't think that sounds weird at all. You miss your friend and still want him in your life and probably to know he is OK.

    There is a saying that says "to speak of the dead is to make them live again". As long as he is in your memory and heart he can continue (some would say his memory can continue) to be a positive influence in your life.

    This is a very fresh hurt  and it's OK to allow yourself to grieve in the way you find most helpful (cry, scream, curse, do something to honor his memory (some people plant trees for example), whatever brings you comfort.

    As for spiritual contact please first give yourself time to accept the loss of your friend in the material world (your day to day world).


  5. u cant do anything either he haunts u or he dont

  6. It's really hard to accept the loss of someone very close to us but we can't prevent destiny from happening. Sometimes we have to let go in order to move on (we, in our real world...and our departed loved ones in the spiritual world). Most of the times, the ghost of the departed would manifest strongest during the first 3 days and then the frequency diminishes. They tend to let their presence be felt if they think it is important. There is still a big chance that your friend may communicate with you but you don't have to expect that this could happen at all. The best thing for you to do is to let go and learn to move on.

  7. Well, i hate your friend died.  And I hate to break it to you,and I will be blunt, there is nothing you can do to bring them back.

    Sometimes you get this impression because of all of the ghosts reality shows on TV, etc.   But these are not real, and are just for entertainment.  Trust me when I tell you that dead spirits are not walking around going bump in the night.  It just ain't so.  

    Ouija boards, etc. are just toys, and there is no evidence that anyone has ever communicated wtih anyone who is dead.

    You may take a long time to get over this.  But it doesn't hurt to think back on the good times together, etc.  Time will heal some of the pain.   But don't fool yourself into thinking that you can communicate with the dead, as it will just get you into some mentally unhealthy situations.

    Good luck to you.

  8. I sympathize with you.   When you love someone, it is hard to live with the pain.  When a person dies, they examine their life and soul and decide whether they belong with God or not.  

    I am a medium, and wish to tell you what I have found when I encounter ghosts. Ghosts that haunt our earth are truly in a limbo and exist apart from God.  Many become hardened and despair and still others become malevolent.  It all depends on the condition of the soul of the deceased.  They suffer because they are apart from God without enjoying the status of the living.  How can you wish this for someone you love?

      As far as the use of a Ouija board, please do not dabble with this.  There exist malevolent entities sitting around waiting for the opportunity to enter your life through the Ouija gateway.  These things lie about who they are will perform neat tricks in the beginning, but your life will turn from a giddy thrill to a horror show in a very short time.  I'm sure that there will be people that will comment saying that it is harmless but I don't think that they have the knowledge or experience of the Warrens or John Zaffis.  People whose lives are spent fixing the damage done to others by use of this device.  Pray for your friend's spirit, ask God to hold him in his presence, whole and happy.  Ask for healing for the pain you are feeling and remember your friend as he was in life, not a pale sad shadow in your presence.

  9. Loosing a friend is hard.

    Remember though that they do live on after death in your memory.

    Sadly there is no way to contact a person after they have passed. Their consciousness was extinguished when they died.

    What we are left with is a plethora of good memories. To honour your freind, cherish the memories and do not allow them to fade - that way your friend will be with you (and a part of you) until you too pass away.

    Your mother is right not to let you near the ouija board. Look at some of the ridiculous stuff posted here and you may see where that kind of gullible thinking leads.

    I am sorry for your loss, death of friends and relatives is a fact we all have to deal with. I hope these words can show you how to take something positive from the experience.

  10. Pray for his soul to find peace and happiness in the after life...and try to get help from people around you or close to you to get through it...Most importantly listen to your mother because she's doing it 4 ur own good other wise you'll get obsessed with it and forget about your own life as well as something bad might end up coming your way...Plus your friend would want you to move on and be happy in your life...So may be you can do a memory service or something special that will help you understand that your friend still lives on inside of you.

    My deepest condolenses....

  11. well i do hav 2 say that im sorry 4 ur loss nd u dont want hym 2 haunt u, u jus want hyz presence. r u a believer in god??? well if u r, he can fulfill ur desires in wanting 2 c hym or talk 2 hym. it works. the power of jesus beats a wiji board or all that stuff that the devil is trying 2 putt on u.

  12. ghost show up for purposes did yall have a fight or are mabey your friend has last word to tell you unresolvded feeling towards you

  13. You might know he is nearby is subtle ways...a song you both liked, a scent of flowers or perfume, someone repeating a saying he used to say, etc.

  14. I'm really sorry for your loss of your friend. I know this isn't the same...but I still wish my dog would visit me. It's been almost a year & nothing has happened that I'm aware of.  Just keep your friend's picture around so you'll feel close to him. That's what I do. It helps with the feeling of absence.

    Don't listen to the ones who say it's ok to try a ouija board. It's not. It's very dangerous. I don't know why anyone would tell you to do this...especially considering what you're going through.  You might get a spirit...but it probably won't be your friend..and you might have a lot of trouble getting rid of one you don't want.

  15. You can wish him well on his journey beyond this life, whatever that may be or may not be, and cherish the memories of your time together. Beyond that, there is nothing you can do to bring him back in any form.

    Feel free to try the Ouija board (you can buy one at Toys R Us). If you get some superstitious friends to help you, I'm sure you'll be generating "messages from the beyond" in no time, but you should really be aware that these messages are just generated by you and your friends. Experiments have been done where blindfolded participants only produce gibberish using a Ouija board. These boards don't really conjure spirits, but only power of suggestion and hysteria.

    My condolences on your loss.

  16. Sorry for the loss of your friend.  I lost three of my friends at once so I totally know what you are going through.  As for suggestions as to contact your friend, may I suggest learning how to lucid dream.  I have been able to see people I have lost through doing so. There are a lot of resources on how to do this on the internet, and you should be able to figure out how to do it within a short period of time.  If you don't know what lucid dreaming is, it is the ability to have dreams in which you are just as awake as in normal everyday reality but you are in the "dream world".  You may be able to contact your friend this way.  Sure, it may just be a construct of your imagination, but if you meet him in the dream world it is your choice whether or not it is really true.  Good luck and may God shine brightly upon you.

  17. it must be reely hard for u losin a friend

    you shood try and get over him rather than tryin to get him to haunt you, but if your really sure you know what you want then get more information first...

  18. It doesn't work that way.  You cannot make a person's spirit "haunt" you.  Plus, in the process of doing all of that, you may bring forces/energies into your life that you don't want.  It's a risk.  If you feel the need to communicate, find a medium of some sort that is Lisa Williams or Sylvia Browne.

  19. they always visit after they die. you will smells something familiar...perhaps flowers.

  20. as much as having to deal with the crossing over of a loved one.......Sweetie you have to let them go!with all the love in your heart an mine,bringing them back or wishing them back ,is selfish.Nobody wants to be earth bound or should be asked to be earth bound because we miss the physical so much.It doesn't mean that you still cant talk with them or dream with them......take time to let your heart understand, that with every ending there is a new wouldn't want that your friend to miss this new adventure!and they are always with us.An please stay away from the boards!!!!!!! you don't know who or what comes through them.....take care,and remember that you are loved on both sides!blessed be!

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