
A really loud-barking beagle?

by Guest61618  |  earlier

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I love my beagle VERY much!! But she barks very loudly and very often. How do I make her shut up?!?! Thanks! <3, Amanda




  1. You picked the wrong breed if you wanted a quiet dog!  Beagles are notoriously loud dogs!  First, make sure she&#039;s getting enough exercise every day and she&#039;s not barking out of boredom.  Then, try teaching your dog &#039;speak&#039; and &#039;quiet&#039;.  Look here for techniques:

  2. I too have a very vocal Beagle (mix).  Bark collar did the trick.  Not only does she not bark while its on, but her barking while it isn&#039;t on has significantly decreased.

  3. I also have a purebred beagle and put a muzzle on him or take him outside.

  4. They are just really loud dogs. I would give her more exercise and try to yell &quot;enough&quot; and once she stops reward her, if she keeps barking leave the room and keep trying to reward and praise her when she quits barking.

  5. sorry, but that&#039;s what beagles do.  its their nature.  they are hunting dogs, and its part of the hunt.  we had one that was like that.  we did the WRONG thing.  we gave into him.  he got whatever he wanted to make him hush.  don&#039;t do that!!!   it was much harder to correct the problems we caused than it would have been to do it right the first time.  we got a dog trainer (a good one!) and that helped alot.  our trainer trains agility, also.  one day at class, she let him do one of the harder and scarier obstacles.  he loved it and wasn&#039;t scared at all.  so then we figured out something that would let him &quot;work&quot;.  dogs are just happier if they can work.  we trained him to do the whole course.  he had it down after 3 times through!  it helped him have something to focus on.  it also make him tired so he would sleep at night.  on non-training nights, we ran to burn off his energy.  buddy won his first agility course, and you could see how proud he was with his little chest puffed up and grinning ear to ear.  

    i&#039;m not saying to go start agility.  it is fun, though.  my point is...find something for her to do that is productive for her.  something she enjoys and can work at and be proud of.  

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