
A really sick joke....Dont be offended.?

by  |  earlier

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There were two g**s,one had just died so his partner went to see the local priest about funeral arrangements.The priest suggest a burial."Oh no !" said the g*y,"He always had a terrible dread of worms eating into his eyes and other parts of his body...No,no,no...we can't have that"

The priest then suggested cremation."Oh no!" said the g*y again,"He was terrified of fire burning away at his body...oh no,we can't have that".

The priest finally suggested a burial at sea."Oh no" said the g*y again,"He was terrified of water,he never even learnt to swim...oh no,we can't have that"

The priest then replied "Well,that's the usual options available for the deceased,unless you have any ideas"

"Well,you could make him into a vindaloo" said the g*y.

" A VINDALOO" said the priest exasperated."Why on earth would you want him made into a vindaloo ?"

The g*y replied "Well i'd just like to feel him coming out my a r s e one more time !!!"




  1. Oh, marry me.

  2. Hahaaaaaaa!

    *STAR* :)

  3. hahahahaha


  4. not bad

  5. hahahahahaha

  6. Lost for words.... :)

  7. That joke doesnt do anything for me.


  8. hahaha funny!

  9. Liked that one, excellent

  10. ha ha ha ha ha

  11. Eeeuugghh!!!  (lmao)

  12. Oooh thats sick! lmao! nice 1 =)

  13. Great Joke...

  14. WOW! That was a real SCREAM!  Here's a star for a funny joke...!!!.

    'VINDALOO' is a pork meat dish!

  15. Funny! 100!

  16. Very

  17. i dont' get it...wats a VINDALOO

  18. i dont get it, wth is a vindaloo??

  19. very good and my nephew loved it too!!

  20. ha ha ha ha ,,,very good,,,

  21. Oooooooooh thats bad lol.......

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