
A recent study said that 58 percent of black children can't swim? What are the cultural causes of this?

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The report was done as part of a campaign to teach black children to swim, since statistically more of them die from drowning.




  1. coons can jump but they cant swim

  2. ...Who even thinks to count up how many people of minorities can or can't swim.

    Maybe race has nothing to with it.

  3. That is probably the percentage that cannot afford a pool in their backyard.

  4. Swimming lessons and pools (public and private) cost money. Money that could be spent feeding your children, not teaching them how to do something for entertainment (although in some cases, it does help survival). Knowing how to swim is what Pierre Bourdieu calls "cultural capital." It's something that parents teach their children just so that their children will not be left out of social activities, or it's something they can talk about or do in professional environments as adults. Black families are less likely than white families to have the surplus of money to spend on something so superfluous, which is not a cultural difference.

  5. maybe they are not taught.

  6. No one takes the time to teach them how, its the only explanation.

  7. environmental, not cultural or racial.

    if you grew up in an environment without pools or lakes to swim in, obviously you wouldn't know how to swim. Black people simply are more likely to live in a environment without access to a large body of water to swim in. The opportunity simply doesn't exist.

    if a white or Asian (or any other race) lived in the same area, they too will not know how to swim.

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