
A recurring dream going on the third night?

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I’ve been having the same dream for three nights in a row. Here it is:

I find my self on a passenger train. For some reason, I think the train is taking longer to reach its destination then it should (I have never been clear on what the destination should be). I head to the font of the train and ask the engineer how long the journey will be only to discover that we have been travelling in circles. The engineer tells me that we will stop in 25 years. I begin to panic and somehow find my self on top of the moving train. I then proceed to jump off. That’s when I wake up.

Any one care to interpret the dream.




  1. Basically, you're thinking history repeats itself, and the world keeps going on and on, and you think it's about time for God to stop the vicious cycle and come put everything in order as it should be.

    Well, He's going to do that when the time is right.  But don't jump off the train of faith, OR the train of life, ok?  Trust the engineer.  He knows the way and you do not.

    God bless you,


  2. Trains can represent death. I don't know why or how they did that (maybe the light at the end of the tunnel reference?). Death represents a major life change.

    You are ready for a change, but your path seems to be set, and cyclical. The idea that this part of your path is going to stretch indefinitely may be causing you to "seek thrills" (panicked-then on top of the train).

    Be careful... Be thoughtful... Be premeditated...  and remember to aim in the direction you want to go. Whether you change your path (jump off the train) randomly, or near where you want to be, there you are.

  3. Well, I'm not a dream expert so I don't know what it means.  You could get a dream interpretation book and it will most likely explain what's going on.  I used to dream about floating down into the sewer to meet a little devil in a yellow kitchen.  I have no idea what the heck that was all about but it went on for quite some time.  Sounds to me like you may feel like you are going no where with something going on in your life, kind of like the expression "You missed the boat".  In this case you missed the train.  Get that book, that's probably the best answer you can get.  Good luck.

  4. well I'm not a dream specialist but I'm pretty sure dreams are usally a result of your last thoughts before passing out, maybe something to do with your everyday routin..

    do you catch the train?

    maybe your worried about something.

    like you feel trapped?

    scared that something is late?

    feel like you have to escape from something or somewhere?

    I don't really know but maybe that helps

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