
A relative is visiting me from Morocco and needs to acquire both a visa and invitation letter?

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Can anyone tell me exactly what I need to write in the invitation letter that my relative would have to bring with her to obtain her visa? Thanks.





    From the US State Department:

    Hosting Visitors to the U.S.

    People often ask how they can help a family member, relative or friend get a visa to visit them in the United States. We appreciate their desire to help and do understand that sometimes the need for a visit can be urgent.

    Under U.S. law, however, applicants for visitor visas must qualify on their own for visas to visit the United States.

    This is what applicants must do to qualify for visitor visas:

    Complete and sign the required application forms;

    Bring evidence that their visit is temporary and that they will return home after their legally authorized stay; and

    Undergo security clearance procedures

    We understand that you may want to help with the visa process. However, it does not help the applicant if you write a letter of invitation or personally guarantee his or her departure from the United States after the visit is over. The consular officer evaluates each visa application on its own merits according to visa law and procedures. You can be most helpful by making sure the applicant has all the information they need to submit a correct application and by explaining fully the standards for visa issuance.

    I have been told that a invitation letter can be used to deny a visa as it shows ties to the US. The idea here is to show ties to the country of origin not the US.

  2. Invitation letters play no role in getting a U.S. visa. They do not hurt, but it will not ensure that your relative will get a visa.

    What your relative will have to do is demonstrate strong social and economic ties to a home outside the U.S. They should bring work letters, bank statements, passports of family members, anything that shows why they would return to Morocco after visiting you in the U.S.

    By all means, send a letter explaining why you want them to come visit. But the letter carries no legal weight in the process.

  3. you just normally  tell them wish her/him  visiting you and you are able to provide suitable accommodation for the length she staying with you. all he/she need t obtaining Bank statement show the capability of supporting her/his  self during.... but what embassy you talking about??

  4. all countries do not operate the same way concerning visas,

    therefore,a letter from you inviting a relative,is not an asset,on the contrary.

    the applicant must fill out the form for the visa by himself,and without a letter;

    here is the visa application from the US,

    tell him to follow instructions,tell him to make sure to follow the language code(no accents)English characters only;

    print the form first and then fill it out,

    the person will have the interview,and you will not be able to help,

    # DO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE. You must click the "Continue" button below and then print the form to complete the process. Please do not click the "Continue" button more than once. Your answers must be in English and must use English characters #

    it means: click on continue before filling out the form;

    it will be ready to be filled after he will have click on # continue #

    the consulate,looks at each individual application,

    give him this link to read as well,

    there is a lot of informations on temporary visitors.

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