
A religious scientific question that needs to be answered.

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What do you believer are the religious implications of Darwin's idea that humans are merely the result of random chance and natural selection over time?

An answer to this question would be greatly appreciated because i'm struggling on this one.




  1. There are no religious implications. It's a scientific theory.....very credible one at that. Enough of the c**p about "humans are merely"....accept it and be amazed by it.

  2. I personally accept, despite the fact that i'am a Catholic.

    "Did God make all the animals?....he certainly did....but do they change by themselves, now thats the question isn't it?"

  3. Well, basically, Christianity claims that God created humans and all of the creatures of earth at once. Like he just magically brought them into existence. Not only that, but humans are special beings that aren't just another animal but are actually created in God's own image (Whatever that means).

    The theory of evolution completely contradicts this because its claims that all of the animals that currently populate the earth are the result of millions (or billions, I'm not sure) of years of evolution. This means that there started out being certain kinds of animals but over time certain traits within each species became more common due to those traits helping the animals live better and longer and produce more offspring which have those traits. So the animal species from the past have gradually changed into the species of the present. Humans, according to this theory, are just another animal species that evolved.

    Since the two ideas (God's creations and evolution) are contradictory to one another, they can't both be true. Therefore, to claim that evolution is true is to basically say that the Christian belief is false.

    Not only does evolution imply that the Christian story is false, but it also implies that humans are not special being. Evolutionary theory suggests that all animals on earth (including humans) are equally important (or unimportant, depending on how you look at it) and simply came into existence by random changes in the traits of a species from one generation to the next over millions of generations.  

  4. I'm not saying it's right, but how does it work as a theory.

    God created matter and space. Then created light and separated it from darkness.( Big bang)

    Later He separated the two different waters (fluids; atmosphere, water)

    Third time period Land masses rise. The earth starts evolving plant life (much simpler than animal life)

    Then, the cloud cover starts to clear and plants start to become photosynthetic. Also delivers much more energy for evolution to occur. Also possible that this is when axial tilt occurs.

    Fifth time period the seas bring forth animal life. (note: the Bible says that God called "the waters (to) bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life,... " Then it says He made them. He says this with all life forms)

    Sixth time period. (day, if you will) he called the earth to make land animals. Last part of the day (time period), He creates man in His own image.

    This is the day that I like to ponder upon. What if the time periods took millions of years. Evolution occurs. The homo sapiens appear and God says. Finally! One I can create in my image. God is a spirit. (John 4:24) Then how are we made in His image? He breathed His spirit into a homo sapiens and made the first man. God is Love (1John 4:16) My contention is that man has the spirit of God and is the only creature able to Love. (put his fellow man above his own welfare, unselfishly)

    If it happened like this, then evolution and creation go hand in hand. BUT I still regard the bible as the authority.

  5. let both be possible and work together from the religeous standpoint sure someone had to create everything but even an icecream cone over time changes and becomes something else...5 minutes softer...30 minutes...mush....2days food for ants......30 days rcycled energy for other animals and plants...a part of a cows flesh.......1 year....back into mcdonalds as a 1/4 punder this time and we begin the larger scope of things it is not one or the other as people have the need to feel right ....but that all observations or theories as smart people call em....have a place untill they are either proven wrong or right....and faith on the other hand is the proof or belief in the unseen what hasnt been given facts just yet...let em both play together because your ice cream sure tastes good when you eat it doesnt it...who cares how it got to be that  way in that moment....enjoy the current experience....well say that random selection does happen but no mater how many times you take a box of matches and drop em from a sky scraper they will never land perfectly into a 3d shape of a house....they have a better cahnce of maybe looking like an iggloo if anything...

  6. i agree with the theory of evolution, personally.

    also the first answerer is right, the two theories can exist side by side

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