
A riddle: Four cars come to a four way stop at the same exact time, from different directions. They don't know

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A riddle: Four cars come to a four way stop at the same exact time, from different directions. They don't know




  1. They're in different locations.

  2. WHAT?? You just can't babble for three lines and call it a riddle. Was this a complete contribution or a complete thought for that matter?

  3. Who has the right of way. What happens depends upon the circumstances of the individuals and their temperament. The one who always needs to go first will go first.  The others will look at each other, shrug, and take their turns in an orderly manner. The boorishness of the first guy will have taught them all a lesson.

  4. Is there more?  

    They don't know what?

  5. who goes first?? I DO

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