
A riddle. Who is 83 and has never worked and had 5 children who have never worked yet doesn't appear .........

by Guest59075  |  earlier

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........for some reason on Government benefit claimant statistics ?




  1. I know ..I know !! she married to a Greek immigrant ....and has a son who works at Cadburys, packing the fudge.... and  another one who swopped his beautiful wife for a horse ... ?? ... it`s Her Madge isn`t it ..?  by the way , didn`t she have just 4 kids or do u know something I don`t ...

  2. Um? Queen Elizabeth is 82 this year, wow I bet she could do that math easily.  She works very hard everyday, and she had only 4 children, so for someone trying to be witty? You come off as witless, how utterly sad to be YOU!

    The Queen does not work? I bet you could not handle her schedule for a week, Ah! A day!  I wonder why we got rid of the feudal system.

    Psst! Shew! Some village is missing their idiot

  3. So, anyone who is bisexual counts as two people?  Does that mean they get to vote twice?

    Oooooooh!  I'm in!  I'm switching!

  4. so you call being in the armed services NOT WORKING ... dare you to say that to any person who is or who ever has served....

    YOU moron.. the Queen was in the Women's army  during world war two...

    whinge and whine forever about your lot ... lay blame and be jealous of others when you have NO IDEA... instead of MOVING up in the world and working hard yourself...

    The royal family create employment in so many ways .. Want them gone ??? I would guarantee there would be a rise in UK's unemployment.....



    housing staff

    manufacturers and sellers of royal collectibles

    Tabloid Journalists

    Travel agents ( " oh can I see the Queen at Buckingham palace)

    ect ect ect....

    How many people would lose their jobs if YOU just dried up and blew away....

  5. Justin, you need to go back to school to repeat maths, Elizabeth Windsor was born in April 1926, that makes her 82 in 2008.

  6. It isn't the Queen;she does work and she only has four children. And she was born in 1926.So,perhaps it's you!

  7. Definitely the queen... She technically has four children, but Edward's ego counts as a separate person.

  8. That's a hard one. Asking in Royalty should be a give away but the Queen only had four kids.

  9. If you mean the Queen, she does work, extremely hard, and so do her children, of whom there are four, not five.  And she's 82 not 83, maths isn't your strong point is it? The queen is our head of state, and that is a job, and a job that keeps her very busy.  Will you still be working as hard as she does when you are 82?  somehow I very much doubt it.

  10. it's you right ???

  11. Well you seem to have the time to ask unrelated questions to this section, so maybe you should work it out yourself

  12. You're in the wrong section Einstein, it should be in the joke and  riddle section. I see you have two Friends now.

  13. Your mother by any chance?

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