
A road trip-sort of-suggestions please.?

by Guest67259  |  earlier

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i was planning a cruise around september-but-if i fly to amsterdam as a starting point-where else can i get to-distance not a issue nor time limit.

around 2weeks.

money-a `reasonable` budget.-about £6/700 ish!

as a `senior` the `dam` has `memories` for me but want to visit `cultural` places-anne frank museum/anatomy museum etc-and `move on`.

this is a `serious` question-the `dam` is just as stated-a `starting point`-many thanks.

enjoy rest of evening!




  1. I was a 'roadie' for 9 years and seen all of Europe and Scandinavia but  for me its France. Start at Versaille just by Paris, keep south and 50 miles away from any coast or border. Proper France. Happy traveling

  2. How about the Zandamme Windmill Farm, not too far from Hamsterjam.

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