
A rule you must follow when driving to a CODE 3 call is?

by  |  earlier

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A-stop at intersections controlled by traffic lights when the light is red

B-stop at intersections controlled by four-way stop signs

C-be prepared to stop at intersections when necessary to avoid an accident

D-pass on the right and stay out of opposing traffic lanes




  1. Assuming your code 3 is the same as our code 1, (eg emergency response or lights and sirens), I would say "C" - my reasoning being that...

    The basic reasoning behind a Code 3 (or 1) response is to allow you to break the road rules SAFELY in order to get to the emergency fastest - therefore you don't HAVE to stop at red lights/signs (A/B)...but you need to be able to, as well...also, D isn't quite right as it is allowable to drive in opposing lanes if they are quieter (e.g. if you were heading INTO a city at 5pm, the outbound lanes would be busy but the inbound quiet).

    Hope I helped!

  2. <<<<<<<C>>>>>>>

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