
A science investigatioN?

by  |  earlier

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I had to run a car down a ramp and calculate the displacement, velocity and all that (the car was attached to a ticker timer and I measured the distance between every 5 dots). And then, as usual, i had to write up a prac report. One of the questions i have to answer is to relate this investigation to how the world works. And then it says that this investigation mirrors one that should be considered as a basis for one of the most revolutionary advances in human knowledge. Aristotle's overthrow by Galileo and Newton are mentioned. Any ideas?




  1. You could talk about how they discovered that the solar system (or what they thought at the time, the universe) revolved around the sun. They tracked planets using the stars, moons and other planets.

    Just an idea; have no idea if that's what it is hinting at.

  2. Have a look at this site:

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