
A scorpio has me confused?

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I'm a cancer that has been seeing this scorpio since August 6th, we were friends for about 2 weeks, then things got more serious. We were both attracted to each other from the start and our conversations on the phone last hours, and when we can't see each other we keep in touch through online and text/cell. We saw each other about a week ago and we were holding hands and through the park, while talking and getting to know one another. But, he just calls us "friends with benefits" but, we had s*x and are both phsyically attracted to one another. It seems like were dating to me. Cuz, I'm in love with him, but I don't know what he wants. I'm confused.




  1. The only difference between friends with benefits and dating is feelings.  This dude do not see you as no more than a friend he can have s*x with from time to time.

  2. Wow, I suggest you to not take this guy seriously. He already stated that you guys were just "friends with benefit." It's possible that he could be just into you for you for s*x or it's possible he might like you, but doesn't know where this relationship is going. I suggest you talk to him about what your expectations are just to settle things straight.  

  3. Slow down!

    Follow your INTUITION!

  4. Scorpios can go two ways. 1: Secretive and emotional but not admitting to it. Both in-turn causes them to test their partner non-stop so they will feel comfortable with being in the relationship with that person and letting them in on their secrets. Because they test so much and try to hide their emotions they can come off as cold, yes. But in reality they can be actually quite warm.

    However, this is not the case with all Scorpios... The 2nd way a Scorpio could be is a very unpleasant way where the outer layers that look and feel pretty cold and even mean are actually true and there is no layer of warmth beneath.

    It is possible your Scorpio has chosen to go the second direction rather than the first. And if this is the case like I feel it is, you should just leave him. Help teach him the lesson he needs to learn by taking away his, "friend with benefits" bullshit. By leaving him and letting him know that he can't have it that way. That he can't have you this way.

    Some Scorpios are immature and that is what causes them to choose this path or the warmer, nicer, better to be around path and person. I'm sorry. I know how you feel though. Scorpios can draw in a loved one like a magnet and it's very hard to leave them because they are very...well... Interesting, mysterious, and dare I say, exciting. But if they choose to be the wrong kind of Scorpio fallowing the wrong path, then they are not to be let in in the that way. You should try to keep them out of you, and they best way to do that is to leave them behind in your past and forget them. I'm sorry... I know how hard it is...

    Much luck.

  5. Sounds to me like he told you already -  he just calls us "friends with benefits".

    I'm sorry you but you let this one move to fast. You had it right in the beginning with all the talking but you slept with him too fast without finding out how he feels about being in a relationship. The earlier you realize that having s*x with someone and being physically attracted to each other doesn't = relationship; the better off you'll be in the future.

    You need to talk to him about it.

    Remember how you start is how you finish.  

  6. k let me help you. sometimes scorpios (males in particular) will test you to see if they think you are relationship material. if they think they can easily control you then they will keep you as the friends with benefits-if you show him you are confident and dont compromise what you want, well then you just might have him. dont be afraid to speak your mind : )

    also, it depends on his venus and moon for relationship attraction

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