
A sense of dread in my room?

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i'm in high school and i live with my parents. i recently moved to my brother's old bedroom upstairs.... ever since i was little, going up there has given me the heeby-jeebies... and when i come back down the stairs, i almost head down at a full-on sprint (i get a shiver up my spine every time it is dark in there)

i'm not afraid of the dark anymore except in my new room. i believe in the vibrations of herbs etc, and i burn sandalwood for banishing and protection every night, but i still get these horrible feelings.

the first time i tried scrying, i saw a black figure rise up from behind my laundry hamper and sit there, then subside eventually back behind the hamper.... (i slept on the couch that night lol)

it especially feels like something is following behind my back when i enter my room, and it feels VERY dark, never good.

is this because i dabble in the occult? or could it be something my brother did in that room? or could it be just the room?




  1. There's nothing wrong with being afraid in the dark.  When you aren't completely familiar with your surroundings you can feel insecure.  However, it's important not to allow your natural fear of the unknown allow you to convince yourself there is something sinister going on.

    You believe in the vibrations of herbs?  Herbs don't vibrate.  They aren't magical, they're just plants.  Furthermore, why would you attribute magical powers to plants when you are clearly testifying to their ineffectiveness as you have here?  You think they have magical powers but you say burning them did nothing to alleviate your uneasiness.

    The clear and easy answer is this sense of dread is something you have created in your imagination.

  2. creepy!



  3. check for a fan emitting low frequency noise - this can lead to hallucinations due to disturbance of the retinal membrane (explaining the dark figures seen)

    it also leads to a sense of dread

    this is the effect of infrasound, often associated with fans installed in attics

    get the fan removed at once.

  4. A feeling of dread could just be some residual energy left over from the past, might not be a spirit or demonic entity. For instance if a mentally unstable person was kept in that room for years and years, then they could have left an imprint inside the room, usually these imprints can be a portal for activity. The shadow figures are definitely annoying, and don't seem to care about day or night - you can confront it if you want - it wont leave.

    Since you already believe in the occult you could be the power source for the activity. You also can be a sensitive - these kinds of things come with the territory.

  5. People leave things behind sometimes...plastic things, metal things, broken things, and scary things.  It sounds like you are experience a fragmented creation bubble.  It could be connected to you or the material objects in the room, even the structure of the room itself.

    The simplist way I know of to dispell these fragments is:

    1)Do not engage or interact with these fragments.  Sometimes that does it.

    2)  Ask yourself, "What is it in me that is creating this."  Believe whatever your consciousness gives you, and proceed to do the hoa pona pona dispell. Addressing yourself, in the space where you have discovered your secret, compassionately say to yourself, "I'm sorry.  I love you," until you feel a shift.

    3)  As Spirit, address the fragmented energy as follows, "Is their any Fragmented energy that would like to return to Source?"  Feel the fragmented energy gravitating to the white-light gateway you open.   Fragmented Energy always wants to return to source.  Allow it to release.  State, "May you find peace," as a blessing and completion.

  6. smudge with sage and salt.  it's a north american Indian technique.  it cleans out and keeps at bay evil.  this is to make you feel better.  remember, it can't hurt you, but if you spook yourself good, you'll end up running and falling down the stairs.  if you dabble in the occult, i highly recommend you know very well what you are doing before you do it.  if you have called on spirits for some reason, dont forget to send them home.  just be careful.

  7. i think your brother did something in their that i can not explain. try recording in your room. And also do EVP's so yeah. or try blessing your room with holy water. it always works. and if you are a GOD believer than pray. it always works for me. i will work in the room for you too.

  8. Im really not trying to put you down or anything because i have the same dread, just not to the extent that you have...

    But are you sure its not all in your head?

  9. Try





  10. the dark room seems to drown in gloominess. it shades seem like part of a mystery from the past....

    *, i would sleep on the couch at first.

    but if you wanna take a chance, spinning out of the tidepool of fear, im sure youll survive somehow.

    how to do very difficult, but its possibe.

    change the things around, add more of u to the room.. itll be amzing when it truly becomes a room where u can find peace....somehow.

  11. if you're tired of being scared you need to stop fooling around with that stuff. Put a cross if you believe or do your burning thing one last time, then forget it.

    No more and it will go away.

  12. OOOoooooooooooooooooh???.

  13. I think you're being visited by shadow people. They slip in your home from another dimension. Usually, you see them from your Peripheral Vision. Get use to them, they're all around.

  14. Yes, it could be all in your head. But coming from someone whose had that very thought on more than one occassion and then had things proven to her, I can tell you that the chances are really good that you're not just imagining things.

    Dabble in the occult... yup, probably. You should never "dabble" in anything you don't fully understand. Because it draws things like this. Why your brother's room and not yours? is your brother's room under the attic by chance? Or on the highest floor of the house? I get the sense the attic is close by. Chances are it's been hiding out in your brother's room. You should ask him if anything weird ever happened in his room.

    i can give you suggestions as to get ridding of it. First and foremost, stop dabbling. you're playing with fire. If you're going to do it, do it with someone whose experienced fully in the art. If it's something like satan worshiping... you're asking for it. lol

    Burn white candles, pure white, not vanilla white, burn one within the room and one on the windowsill.

    Forget sandlewood. It's not strong enough, you'd have to burn one stick every hour in order to get strong enough to chase something off. Get frankincense. Frankincense and Myrrh is good too. It's good for space clearing but not as "smokey" as smudging (smudging sets off my smoke alarms).

    Tell it to get out. Tell it nothing dark is welcome in your space. But like I said, with dabbling you're kind of inviting it simply because you haven't set any rules. You haven't told it that it *can't* be there.

    Hmmm.... usually I have a whole arsenel of things you could do to chase this thing off but it must not be very strong, because i'm drawing a blank now. So I think this will work for you. Frankincense and candles, burn them everyday. What you want to do is draw in the light, the good stuff, and drawing in the good stuff will chase off the darkness. Make your room a place darkness doesn't WANT to be. Fill it with things that give you peace and make you feel loved and light and good.

    and for crying out loud, stop dabbling. lol

    OH... windchimes. If you can, one at the front door and one at the back door. You might also hang one in a window. Windchimes chase them off, I have no idea why but it works.

  15. OMG!!! i have the SAME story. well almost. i recently moved into my bro's old room, i liked it for about  a month then it just kina started givin me a weird feeling. the creeks and my bed would move like springs were popping, but it wasn't springs. i haven't slept up there since.

  16. Whoa... Loads of superstition... Dude, I know what you mean cause I had the same thing when I was living in my outside room. I moved back in and it was still there. I thought I was crazy until our tenant (who's a reverend of metaphysics) refused to go in there. Creepy stuff used to happen in there like blood coming up from nowhere, shadows moving by themselves, noises where you cant find the source of, the works. I dont know what you can do to get rid of it but these things thrive on your fear. This thing used to put some really wack notions and ideas into my head. I realised it was something real when I tried to pray it away but found that I could'nt pray. The room also suddenly went icy at times... Dunno about yours but there was something very sinister bout the one living here. I hear these things attach themselves and they can attack you when you are committing a sin against your soul and weakening it... (i.e. when you know you're doing something wrong but carry on doing it) It could well be the occult if you believe that you're taking a chance.They also like certain  objects and spaces... They like mess believe it or not. Consider distance as well... How far away from your parents are you than before? Could be that the spirit was less likely to attack you while you had their love closer to you? Or perhaps you retain some of that child hood fear for the room you're in, and thats all it needed to haunt you. Man whateva you do, take this seriously... I dont believe you're mad because if you were you would'nt consider the option that you may be mad. Ask a pastor/ priest for help if you still unsure... Good luck!

  17. I don't have time to read other answers so if I am repeating someone else then I am sorry but this is what I would tell one of my kids to do... record.. take pics and protect yourself.. find out as much history on the house that you can. Tell your parents..even if they don't agree with it ..tell them. I burn sweet grass and or use a smudge fend off any unwanted visitors.If you believe in God, ask for his protection, b/c.. even if they seem all nicie nicie, doesn't mean they are. Some bad spirits will make you think they are a sweet little child until they get a firm hold on their target...... just what kind of occult can you dabble in that makes you feel safe? I don't know any.. so stop. UNLESS you know what you are doing you shouldn't do it.

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