i'm in high school and i live with my parents. i recently moved to my brother's old bedroom upstairs.... ever since i was little, going up there has given me the heeby-jeebies... and when i come back down the stairs, i almost head down at a full-on sprint (i get a shiver up my spine every time it is dark in there)
i'm not afraid of the dark anymore except in my new room. i believe in the vibrations of herbs etc, and i burn sandalwood for banishing and protection every night, but i still get these horrible feelings.
the first time i tried scrying, i saw a black figure rise up from behind my laundry hamper and sit there, then subside eventually back behind the hamper.... (i slept on the couch that night lol)
it especially feels like something is following behind my back when i enter my room, and it feels VERY dark, never good.
is this because i dabble in the occult? or could it be something my brother did in that room? or could it be just the room?