
A serious question about energy, no gimmicks?

by Guest32606  |  earlier

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can you tell me and others what the first and second laws are of "thermodynamics"? And since energy can neither be created or destroyed but despersed or used in different ways, can you give me any examples where energy, instead of despersing, has regenerated naturally to a measurable viewable charge?




  1. Thermodynamics is devoted to studying the temperature of objects and the transfer of heat between objects of different temperatures. It was born in the 19th century as scientists were first discovering how to build and operate steam engines.

    Zeroth law: Thermodynamic equilibrium and temperature

    1st law: Work, heat and energy

    2nd law: Entropy

    Thermodynamics deals only with the large scale response of a system which we can observe and measure in experiments. Small scale gas interactions are described by the kinetic theory of gases. The methods complement each other; some principles are more easily understood in terms of thermodynamics and some principles are more easily explained by kinetic theory.

    The zeroth law of thermodynamics involves some simple definitions of thermodynamic equilibrium. Thermodynamic equilibrium leads to the large scale definition of temperature, as opposed to the small scale definition related to the kinetic energy of the molecules.

    The first law of thermodynamics relates the various forms of kinetic and potential energy in a system to the work which a system can perform and to the transfer of heat. This law is sometimes taken as the definition of internal energy, and introduces an additional state variable, enthalpy. The first law of thermodynamics allows for many possible states of a system to exist. But experience indicates that only certain states occur.

    This leads to the second law of thermodynamics and the definition of another state variable called entropy. The second law stipulates that the total entropy of a system plus its environment can not decrease; it can remain constant for a reversible process but must always increase for an irreversible process.

    Regarding you question of 'energy, instead of dispersing, has regenerated naturally to a measurable viewable charge'....

    The three states of an element is a prime example.  Solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (hydrogen).  These states are both visible and measurable and occurs naturally (that is without human intervention).  An 'unnatural' example would be the internal combustion engine (a cars performance figures does the measuring part) or propulsion (space craft).

    It seems as if you are crossing wires.  I suggest that you read up on the differences between thermodynamics and electromagnetism.

  2. Humans are made of billions of atoms and atoms are pure energy, this energy vibrates at a speed or (frequency) the keeps us in what we know now as this "physical state of being, when the Earth"s magnetic Field changes and our energy vibrates at a higher frequency we shift to a non physical state of being where we exist in one the higher planes or "dimensions" We can project our energy into these other dimensions with out have leave all together.

  3. Great question! Right up my alley.

    Here are the first two laws of thermodynamics, simply put:

    1) Energy is conserved. This means that for any system, the inflow of energy minus the outflow of energy must equal the change in energy of the system. It's just an accounting of energy. It also assumes no relativistic energy-mass energy conversions.

    2) The entropy in an isolated system will tend to increase, but never decrease, over time. An isolated system is one that cannot receive either energy or mass across its system boundaries. This particular law of thermodynamics is the least understandable by the layman, and that's understandable. It's not an easily graspable concept. You can think of entropy as a measure of the loss of energy available to do work.

    You seem to be asking for an example of how energy can be lost by a system and gained by another. One relevant example for the paranormal categories is the death of an organism, such as a human. The heat energy of the dying organism is gradually transfered outside the "system" until there is a temperature equilibrium between the system and the environment. The body loses heat, the environment gains it. The chemical energy of the dying organism goes to zero in the process of death, but that energy doesn't simply disappear from the universe. Instead, it is transferred to the environment by the process of decay and the work done in growing bacteria and fungus and the heat released by their metabolic processes.

  4. HUH???

    EDIT...When questions  & answers like this come up...I think I must be from a different planet. Am I retarded?...or what???

    EDIT AGAIN. I understand're speaking a different language...too scientific for me.

  5. First law :  dU = T dS - p dV + mu dN

    Also can be stated as "In any process, the total energy of the universe remains at large."  Basically, energy is neither created nor destroyed.  Just changed to different forms.  For instance, when you drop a ball from a height, the potential energy it had turns mostly into kinetic energy as it hits the ground, but some also goes into the creation of sound waves so it doesn't rise as high on the rebound.  

    Second law : "The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium."  One of over thirty ways of stating basically the same idea.  Entropy is defined as the number of microstates available to a system, also thought of as the amount of randomness.

  6. Yeah, um, what eri and T R said...

  7. "Where energy has regenerated naturally to a measurable viewable charge", the easiest answer I could give you would be food process engineering such as the culturing of milk to produce yoghurt, beer fermentation, etc. And then processing the food to achieve a finished product. The food is then consumed by the consumer and nothing is wasted because the packaging is either recycled/reused and the food produces energy for the individual that consumed endless cycle.

    Also can be seen in cell culturing...  

    *Please don't criticise if I'm not offering an answer thats more to your liking.

  8. Solar panels.

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