
A ship leaves port at noon and has a bearing of S 29 deg W. If the ship sails at 20 knots how many nautical?

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miles south and how many nautical miles west will the ship have traveled by 6:00 pm.

I'm so confused on how to solve this. I think S 29 W means 29 degrees southwest?

also another problem please ^^;

2. Two fire toweres are 30 km apart, tower A being due west of tower B. A fire is spotted from the towers, and the bearings from A and B are E 14 deg N (northeast), respectively. Find the distane d of the fire from the line segment AB.




  1. You do the math.

  2. This is a triangle question. S29W, means the ship's course is 209 degrees true. (180 + 29) The triangle's hypotenuse is 120 nautical miles. (6 hours X 20 knots) The "westing" is 58.2 nautical miles (sin 29 deg x 120 miles) The "southing" is 105.0 nautical miles. (cos 29 deg x 120 miles)

    In the second problem, the direction means East minus 14 degrees to the north or 76.

  3. No such thing as 29' south....29' is approx. North North East.

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