
A short poem for maybe my biggest fan (WickedSweet)!!

by  |  earlier

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she's a pixie fan!

i can picture her

a bright window

freshly opened to the day

sun illuminating her panes

curtains drawn

out the door

still a pixie fan!

the pixie in her pocket

lays on a lint bed

jingling merrily along

with loose pennies

she leaves for luck

if there is such a thing!

as she steps across

side walks paved with cracks

and leaps over

unfilled pot holes

no sound made with her feet

against the neighborhood

all the pounds and thumps

are absorbed by concrete

she's a pixie fan!

absorbing the world

as the world absorbs her.




  1. No doubt she is fantastic! I really do love her.

    The poem is very, very good!

    Read this poem if you have the time for:


    Created by littlebroadwaybaby

    This is my first go at poetry, so if you have anything to say be nice! Thanks!

    Tagged: sad, wicked

    Created by littlebroadwaybaby on Monday, August 04, 2008

    I often wonder how I got to be this way.

    Hurt, depressed, and having nothing to say,

    Loneliness and anger aren't becoming,

    And I'm constantly feeling crumby.

    Sure I'll laugh and smile,

    But it lasts only for awhile.

    The fault is no one's but my own,

    And for it, I have nothing to show

    Hearts unraveling into a tangled mess,

    Which is complicated at best.

    Sometimes I feel alone,

    With no one to hold.

    So here I sit in my own little world,

    Afraid of what will hapen next.

    For when you've been as wicked as me,

    Nothing good, I can guess

    Did you like it?

    Enjoyed reading it?

    Hope so.


  2. it is I who owe you thanks...

    your words,

    your thoughts alive on this screen; remind me

    ---and anyone else who takes the time to feel---

    as they read

    you are who should be thanked

    for sharing your vision

    your heart

    your art

    -- baring your very soule --

    I can not give an opinion on this one though

    --- not objectively ---

    I am beyond flattered

    -- surprised as well --

    my adulations

      ---allways 2 u---

    greedily absorbing

    your words, thoughts and dreams

    pale in reflection to the true depth

    the value of those typed words

    I admit

    -- I almost panicked --

    when I missed out

    on the weekly nourishment

    and more so

    as over those two

    I found an evolution

    appearing within you

    I enjoyed

    -- left comments too--

    since life's

    hostage here

    missed out on the answering

    too true

    with no more forth coming

    --scared me a bit--

    checked daily

    in email

    but there was not one bit

    of the tasty

    the addicting

    food that you feed

    so though undeserving

    --of thanks from you--

    I a very relieved

    --as well--

    I have

    the brain feed

    that has given more

    from inner soule

    than friends

    known lifetimes

    do give

    can't wait to hear more

    to see it to taste it

    whether here on answers

    or if you choose


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