the story-
yesterday when my mom and i were poo- picking Chrome and Tulsa's pasture, my mom just said outta the blue "Who's the dominant one? Chrome or Tulsa? I can't tell. Is is Chrome? But Tulsa was the dominant one before!" Before we bought Tulsa, she was the big man on campus. When we brought her home, she was alpha also. But once we put Chrome together with Tulsa, Tulsa just follows Chrome around everywhere, neighs whenever she leaves, but pushes her around sometimes. Chrome on the other hand, just about always follows Tulsa around, submits to her, but sometimes seems like she's the boss. I'm thinking that maybe Tulsa is still alpha but doesn't really show it as much, Chrome is now the boss, they have no real boss between them, they switch on and off and take turns, or they have a weird thing where they are like "co- captains" together. It's really weird. Do you guys have any ideas? I know this is kinda funny, but I'm just curious. Teak is out of the picture- different pasture.