
A simple bus ride?

by  |  earlier

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i am 14 and have a baby girl who is 6 months, and i get so many dirty looks it drives me batty! i was taking the bus with Kaylor to my little brothers day camp to pick him up, and there was only one seat left next to this lady, so i sat down and placed Kaylor on my lap and started to talk to my baby "hi kaylor, mommy loves you" and i'd kiss her nose, and the friggen lady next to me makes gagging noises and says "honestly you should have aborted her, she

d b better of dead than with a mother of your age!" omg i was so pissed

"what the h**l did you just say to me? im a better mother than you'll EVER be, and maybe you should keep it to yourself next time lady" and she makes a disgranteld face so say rite to her face "what you just catch a wiff of your breath or sumthin?" the attention went from me to her in a slpit second, as the bus slowed to a stop she gets up, looks at me and has the nerve to say "why i never, you children and your rude comments" ha MY rude comments, do these...




  1. They will but not for awhile.  I am sorry you had/have to endure that. People should comments to themselves

  2. Good girl that you stood your ground.

    It was also brave of you to keep your little girl.

    Good luck and dont let old corprete people get you down your doing fine.

  3. That lady is an idiot. You are a good mother! She's just jealous that you have such a cute little baby.
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